Chapter 5

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Luke sped ahead and met the group back at the jet. Kayla and Ellie caught up in their situations over the last few months whilst Natasha and Bucky were reminiscing about their time training the assassins when they were little kids.

Once on the jet, Steve checked Ellie over for any injuries she might have. Steve was looking over her back when he got the the bottom he gasped with a concerned look on his face. "Nat come look at this please?" Steve asked. Natasha walked over and looked at the open wound on the bottom of Ellies back.

"Ellie, were you shot?" Nat asked softly.
"I'm not sure why?" Ellie replied timidly.
"There's a massive open bullet wound on your back can't you feel it?" Nat asked with concern.
"Oh no it's fine, once the bullet is out it'll heal itself straight away" Ellie replied calmly.
"but although you're super soldiers won't it still take time to heal?" Bucky carefully asked.
"Hydra gave us a different type of serum and lots of doses too so our metabolisms are even more efficient than a normal super soldier" Kayla told the Avengers.
"Yeah, and they also came with these sick powers too!" Luke said excitedly.
"I know a certain wall-crawling kid he'll get on well with" Sam whispered to Bucky who chuckled.
"Well let's just get you guys back to the compound and if you don't mind we can run some tests and see what this serum is all about" Steve said to the assassins who all nodded.


After about half an hour the jet landed outside the Avengers compound.  Luke excitedly sped off the ship and ran a whole lap around the outside of the compound, whilst Ellie and Kayla walked off last with their arms around each other.

They all walked inside and Ellie felt herself relax a bit knowing she was safe here from Hydra. Kayla was still a bit apprehensive about the whole situation but wouldn't show anything as she needed to appear strong for Luke and Ellie.

They walked into the elevator and headed straight up to Tony Starks lab. As soon as the doors opened Luke flew out into the lab and began looking at everything inside. Kayla and Ellie both rolled their eyes and laughed about how excited he was and it was nice for them to see him happy for the first time in forever.

"Woah who's kids are these and what are they doing in my lab, Rogers?" Tony said frustrated.
"They're the kids we went on the mission for" Steve answered
"So why aren't they locked up!?" Tony said concerned
"Because they're not a threat and are gonna stay here for a bit" Steve replied sternly.
Kayla stepped forward "Hey I'm Kayla, this is Ellie and that's Luke"
"Tony," Tony said and glared at Luke who was messing with some stuff on his desk "Hey don't touch that!"
"My bad," Luke said sarcastically.

Steve then took them down to Bruce in the medbay where he removed to bullet from Ellies back and agreed to leave the tests till tomorrow. Steve had to run some errands with Sam, so Natasha and Bucky took over to give a tour of the compound.

Peter, Harley and Clint were sitting in the living room on the big velvet sofa scrolling on their phones when the group walked in. "Hey guys we've got a team meeting in half an hour can you let everyone know please?" Nat asked the three.
"No problem" Clint said staring curiously at the three teens standing behind Natasha and Bucky, looking around the room and taking everything in.

Except Kayla who had been looking at Peter since they walked into the room. He looked about 16, her age and was looking back at her with a warm smile that made her cheeks get hot. Kayla wasn't used to having feelings, she was never allowed to. But now she's free, now she can feel anything she wants but she wasn't sure what feeling this was when she looked at Peter.

Ellie was too busy gazing in awe around the perfectly furnished living room to even notice Harley, the 15-year-old staring at her from the corner of the sofa. It wasn't till Clint nudged his arm and made Harley yelp that Ellie noticed what he had been doing. Nat and Clint exchanged knowing looks about what was to come with these teenagers all so close in age, living together.


Half an hour had passed and everyone had gathered in the briefing room. Sitting around the table were Nat, Clint, Bucky, Sam, Rhodey, Tony, Bruce, Thor, Wanda, Pietro, Peter and Harley. They were all waiting patiently for Steve to come into the room.

"Hey I saw you checking out that blonde girl earlier" Peter whispered into Harley's ear, forgetting as usual that half the people in the room had super hearing.
"Yeah she's cute" Harley chuckled "and as if you weren't checking out the brunette too so don't even try it"
"Okay, okay fine" Peter giggled.

Everyone turned to look at the door when Steve walked in, the three assassins following. They were still in their suits, the girls in tight black suits like the black widow ones and Luke in his tactical gear. Most people had confused expressions on their faces because they had been following the news story of these assassins on the loose and now they were here in the compound.

"Everyone I want you to meet Kayla, Ellie and Luke they're gonna be staying here with us for a little while so please make them feel welcome" Steve announced to the group.
"Aren't you guys like the most deadly Hydra assassins?" Pietro blurted out. Wanda nudged him hard in the arm "Ow!"
"Yes we were but Hydra doesn't have control over us anymore we escaped and have been on the run since," Kayla told the group.
"Well it's nice to meet you guys, I'm Thor." Thor grinned and held out his hand to shake.
"Peter, Harley do you think you could show them to the guest rooms where they'll be staying for the time being?" they nodded and stood up to walk over to the teens next to Steve.

As they walked away down the hall Kayla could still hear the conversation going on in the briefing room and could tell by the tone in some people's voices that they were cautious about having them here, but Kayla just had to make sure nothing g went wrong,

Avenge through the shadows: avengers fanfic(with oc)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant