Chapter Twelve: CEO Ryan

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Warmth engulfed my entire body as I slowly opened my eyes, to see Patrick's tanned arm, securely wrapped around my body.....

I smiled as last night's events flooded back into my head. Everything about yesterday was amazing, I had a blast at Hanna's party with Mike, Travis, and Yeri. Then last night Patrick and I had sex for the first time, and it was earth-shattering.

I wanted nothing more than to be as close as I could be with Patrick. When I care for someone I'm truly all in. I knew I had feelings for Patrick ever since he helped when I needed to work at Travis's party. Without him, I don't know if I would be able to win the Harry Wild case.

My thoughts were interrupted by Patrick tossing and turning in his sleep. His arm muscles were exposed over the blanket, and his curly brown hair was a perfect mess.

Since he had removed his arms from around I took this opportunity to get out of bed without waking him up.

When I successfully made it out of bed without waking him, I quickly realized I was still completely naked from last night. I grabbed Patrick's blouse that was on the floor and slipped it on before buttoning it up.

It was big enough to cover my whole body. I quietly walked over to my dresser taking out some underwear before I grabbed my phone off my bedside table and headed down to the kitchen to make Patrick and me some breakfast.

When I made it to the kitchen I unlocked my phone and read my notifications, I had like 20 text messages. Most of them were from the group chat that Hanna, Yeri, and I, and one of them was Jessica. I quickly read the few that appeared on my phone's lock screen.



Jessica: When you get a chance can you swig by my office? I need to talk to you about something.

I unlocked my phone and started typing a response to Jessica.

Me: Yes I will see you soon.

I pressed the call button in our group chat so I could fill them in on the details they so desperately wanted to hear. I knew if I didn't call them they would just keep asking me about it. I gathered things from the fridge, and pans from the cabinets. I put my phone on the court and called Hanna and Yeris as I continued making breakfast for Patrick and me.

"Ryan my baby girl! What's up, babe?" Hanna asked as soon as she answered my call.

I started slicing fruits while the bacon was cooking behind me in the pan on the stove.

"I'm making breakfast Hanna," I said smiling at her question as I walked over to my coffee pot to make some coffee.

"Oo what is on the menu today Chef Ryan?" Yeri asked curiously.

I put the fruits I cut in a small bowl and walked over to the pan where I had bacon cooking.

"Um, bacon, chocolate chip waffles, and fruits," I said as I flipped the bacon over in the pan.

"Ooo the sex was that good you makin' him breakfast huh?" Hanna asked while laughing through the phone. I opened my mouth but closed it knowing there was no denying it at this point.

"No, I always cook breakfast," I said as I mixed ingredients for the waffle.

"Billshit! Girl you don't eat breakfast. All you have is a cup of coffee in the morning."Yeri said laughing at me.

"Girl, I told you drunk sex is bomb. Did I not? When Jian and I were together we had a lot of drunk sex "Hanna said while laughing slightly.

I didn't think it would have mattered if I was drunk or not, it still would have been just as amazing.

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