Chapter Eleven 2.0: You What?!

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I was sitting in my office when I heard a commotion outside........

I walked out of my office to see my brother Jason and Wyatt.

I stood outside my door watching as he handed everybody coffee and donuts.  Wyatt was in her stroller looking around the office. Once her eyes landed on me she started smiling and trying to get out of her stroller.

I smiled at her making my way over to her.

"Riri!"She said once I got to her. That was she called me and I loved it.

"Hi, my sweet girl!" I said as I took her out of her stroller.

"Hey, Rye," Jason said looking at me.

"Hi, Jason!"I said keeping my eyes on Wyatt.

"I gotta say I love all your coworkers, especially Harvey and Donna. Although I did not meet Luke. Where is he? I want to meet my almost brother-in-law." Jason said putting down leftover coffee and donuts on the table.

"Yes, I love them too. Luke went out somewhere and I don't care."I said making silly faces at Wyatt.

"They seem cool and one day I want to meet him." He said walking over Wyatt and me. He tried to take her but she started screaming causing us to laugh as Jason spoke. "She loves her Riri," Jason said laughing.

"Of course she does and why do you want to meet Luek?" I said tickling her tummy.

"Because I want to. Just so you know I will be trying to visit you more often," Jason said looking at me with a serious face.

"I know and I will try to Havertown more," I said looking at him.

"You better!" He said pointing his finger at me.

"Ok, my little munchkin it's time to go. Riri has to get back to work. I will see you soon."I said kissing her on the lips. She had a frown on her face but she knew. She nodded her head as I put her back in her stroller. I waved at them as they walked out of the office.


It was later in the day and Yeri and Hanna were at my house. Hanna was going on about what she wanted to do for her party.

"So what is the theme of this party?"Yeri said eating some popcorn.

"I was thinking costume party?"Hanna said looking at her.

"Ooh, I like it!"She said with a mouth full of popcorn.

"Right?! I was thinking about texting Travis asking him if he wants to invite the rest of the team." Hanna said looking at us.

"Yes! Wait why do you have Travis's number?! Are you fucking him?!" Yeri asked her.

"First of all, I have his number because I am best friends with his sister and second he is not my type," Hanna said to Yeri rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, sure," Yeri said not believing her.

"Look even if he was my type I wouldn't date him because he is dating Haley even if she begin a complete bitch to him right now," Hanna said causing me to agree.

"Yeah, I have noticed that?! What is her problem."Yeri said throwing more popcorn into her mouth.

"I don't know what their relationship is anymore. At this point, Travis deserves better." I said walking back to my coach as Haley walked into the house. Hanna, Yeri, and I all stopped talking. We all just stood there in silence as walked up the stairs.

"Ok wride!"Yeri whispered once she was gone.

"I know right?!"Hanna whispered back.

"You know the day we left for the airport she came in and she looked all crazy so I asked her if she was ok and she told me to leave her alone. I think she is mad at me." I whispered.

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