13 | White gauze.

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Trigger warning: Mention of Sexual Assault and mention of Self Harm!

The first thing Andie felt when she woke up was Scarlett's arms around her. She was breathing heavily, her breaths ruffling her red hair. Andie guessed she was still sleeping by the sounds of it. A faint sliver of morning light made its way through the white curtains, lighting up the sheets and a sliver of Andie's face. When she tried to sit up, Scarlett groaned and pulled her back down again.

"Five more minutes," she mumbled into Andie's hair "I never get to cuddle you like this."

"You've cuddled me all night?" Andie giggled, astonished by her statement.

"Not enough, I have your whole life to make up for."

With those words, Andie chuckled and sunk into her embrace.

"You know I'm smelly, right?"

A giggle disturbed the air behind Andie's neck.

"Don't care." Scarlett muffled into her air.

She placed a kiss onto Andie's head.

"Did you sleep okay?" She asked, pulling her closer.

"Yeah I did."

Andie ran her fingers up and down Scarlett's right arm while looking at her tattoo on her wrist. It looked like a bracelet with a cross. She hadn't noticed it before, the tip of the iceberg of things that Andie didn't know about her mother. The guilt struck again at the fact that they had missed each others lives. To try and escape the feeling, Andie turned and nestled her face into Scarlett's shoulder. Safe to say it worked. Scarlett's hand found it's way to Andie's hair, slowly running through it.

Rose had forced them out of bed a few minutes later and Colin came downstairs with Cosmo on his hip.

"Hey gang." He said, putting Cosmo in his high chair and sitting down at the breakfast bar next to Rose.

"Addie!" Cosmo squealed, lifting his arms forward and waving at her.

"Hi Cosmo." Andie chuckled, waving back.

Andie didn't have that much appetite. She had mostly pushed around the food on her plate as Rose talked her head off. A hand reached over to grab Andie's.

"You need to eat something baby." Scarlett whispered and ran her thumb over Andie's knuckles.

As she opened her mouth to respond, Andie's phone started buzzing in her pocket. She fished it up and almost dropped it when she read the caller id. Her heart skipped a beat before picking up, slamming hard against her broken rib cage. The word 'dad' was plastered on the display in big black letters. A wave of guilt washed over her, making its way down to her stomach and feeding the knot. Scarlett didn't notice at first but when Andie let out a small gasp she looked over. Her eyes darkened and she grabbed onto the counter.

"Should I answer?" Andie found herself asking.

"No." Scarlett shook her head. "He doesn't deserve to talk to you."

She looked like she could explode at any moment. Her knuckles whitening as she gripped onto the counter with all her force.

They all watched as the call rang out, the tones of her phone dying out. Andie wanted to cry, scream and break something. But instead she just sat there.

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