7 | Man whore.

551 24 13

Trigger warning: Self Harm!!

Two weeks later.

Andie knew something was wrong when she had woken up nauseous every day for almost two weeks and the fact that she had missed a period. Deep down she knew, she just didn't want to believe it. If she would then it would be real and it couldn't be, not yet. Exhausted from school and constantly throwing up, she couldn't meet up with Scarlett like they had originally planned to. Even though the woman had reassured her that it was no trouble Andie still felt guilty. She always felt guilty no matter what she did.

Sunday night at ten o'clock Andie heard her dad come home from work. He worked as a chef in a restaurant so he usually came home late but this time it was different. A woman's voice chimed through the thin walls of the apartment. He hadn't brought home a woman in a while so it felt weird. She couldn't hear what they were talking about and honestly she didn't want to. It was probably something very inappropriate.

The next morning Andie had a rough time getting out of bed. Well that was until she felt her stomach turn so she had to rush to the bathroom, that bathroom. When she was done throwing up, she brushed her teeth and got dressed for school. As she pulled on a the hoodie that Scarlett had given her over her burn covered waist her eyes fell on the full length mirror hanging on the wall. Her eyes lingered on her pale face and burn covered bare legs. She had dark bags under her green eyes and looked like she had been through enough in the last two weeks. The only thing she liked about herself was the fact that she looked so much like Scarlett. They had the same nose, eyes, chin and mouth and they smiled the same way.

Making her way out of the apartment, she could see two wine glasses dumped in the sink and a plate still on the dining table. Andie added them to her to-do list in her head and walked out the door, locking it behind her. Glancing down at her phone she realised that she was late and flew down the stairs. She just made it to the bus stop, sighing as she stepped through the doors. A familiar face waved at her when she walked down the aisle to take a seat but it wasn't Lilly. Maddies face appeared in the crowd, a bright smile that showed her braces.

"Hey Andie, over here!" She called, standing up a little.

Smiling, Andie took a seat next to the blonde.

"Hi" she said. "I didn't know you took the bus."

"I usually don't." Maddie shrugged. "But my dads car wouldn't start so I volunteered so he wouldn't stress about me being late."

The redhead watched as the girl reached for her bag and pulled out a paper.

"Anyways, is this good?" She asked, shoving it into Andies hands.

It was an essay about the cold war that Mr Nolan had assigned last week. Andie read it through, making mental notes at her mistakes. After explaining what was wrong, Maddie put the paper back in her bag.

"Thank you, it's still the first draft but I wanted to be ahead for once in my life." She giggled and smiled at Andie.

"Yeah I get that," Andie agreed. "He always gives out his assignments like a week before they are supposed to be submitted."

"He's a man whore." Maddie muttered, a smirk taking over her face.

"Madison!" Andie gasped and put a hand against her chest. "How dare you?!"

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