6 | Flame.

606 27 12

Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault and Self Harm!!

Andie wanted that hug to last forever, but as all things in life it didn't. Scarlett loosened her grip around Andie, leaned back and cupped her cheek.

"I'm sorry, I'm such a crybaby and I have no idea why." Andie snivelled, wiping her tear-covered cheek with her sleeve.

"No you're not." Scarlett reassured her and shook her head.

A weak smile grew on Andie's face. This woman, her biological mother, came to her rescue at eleven o'clock on a Friday evening. Andie had never experienced this, always expected to sort out her own affairs so to speak.

"You hungry?" Scarlett asked, pulling Andie out of her thoughts.

"A little maybe." Andie shrugged, leaning against the breakfast bar.

"I'll make you breakfast." Scarlett jumped up, green eyes glowing.

"It's okay, you don't have to." Andie chimed in.

"Please, I want to. And plus, if we wanna eat in peace before Rose wakes up we should do that as soon as possible."

Andie watched as the woman ran to the fridge and pulled it open.

"How about some orange juice with toast?" She asked, turning her head to look at Andie.

"Sounds great." Andie nodded and smiled at her enthusiasm.

Her dad never made breakfast for her after she turned six. 'Big girls make their own breakfast' he would mutter, eyes glued to the tv. So when Scarlett insisted on making she wasn't sure how to react but when a plate with toast was pushed in front of her she just smiled.

"Thank you."

Scarlett returned the smile, walking over and sitting down next to her. They ate in silence, but it wasn't uncomfortable, just a pause while they thought.

"You know" Andie broke the silence between them. "I used to be this huge marvel fan."

She felt her cheeks glow as Scarlett turned, a surprised expression on her face.

"Really?" She chuckled lightly.

"Yeah." Andie swallowed and shrugged.

"Who's your favourite character then?" Scarlett questioned further, quirking an eyebrow.

"Black widow and Scarlett Witch." Andie looked up and smiled at Scarlett, suddenly feeling shy.

She watched as Scarlett tilted her head, a glint in her eye that Andie hadn't seen before.

"Really?" She breathed, not really believing her.

"Yeah." Andie held onto the word as she thought of her answer. "Is that weird?"

A smirk on Scarlett's face revealed her answer before she even opened her mouth.

"Not at all, I'm happy that somehow I was still a part of your life."

Andie opened her mouth to respond but was interrupted by quick footsteps that came from upstairs. She watched as a blonde girl peeked out from the top of the stairs. Her eyes went from Scarlett to Andie and back to Scarlett again.

"Mommy?" She asked, slowly walking down the stairs.

"Morning baby." Scarlett responded, holding out her arms as the girl ran into them.

"Morning mom" she whispered into Scarlett's embrace.

When she let go she turned to Andie, crossed her arms over her chest and asked;

Deception | Scarlett Johansson x Daughterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें