Part 10 - The Dragon's Seer

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Hey, guys, the title of this book finally makes sense! -B

Also... here is when you guys will finally learn about Reef.

//Reef POV//

You know, there's something very, very sad about getting captured on your FIRST patrol, just after slitting a SkyWing's throat. Then it got worse, when I saw the blood on my talons and started CRYING, in the middle of an ambush, and got taken to the queen. Then it got EVEN WORSE. Scarlet tried to ransom me, for like a super-low price, and my mom (Queen Coral) wouldn't pay a tiny gold piece. She only cared about Gill... My dad... he's here too, I watched him resist fighting, then get taken away and punished in probably some awful way. Then I got a friend, who just spouted a prophecy and collapsed. Is it concerning that I don't care about the IceWing blood part? It's probably an IceWing that dies... they're not even on my side of the war...

Yep. So un-concerning.

My mom... she doesn't care about me. To her, I'm just another of the princes. Then I got captured, and she still doesn't care.

I lay helplessly on my pillar, watching the dangerous fire scale dragon staring at my scavenger friend. Please wake up, James. I desperately want to bring him over here to my pillar, protect him from the vicious killer. But even so, I'm confused. Why was he so friendly to Peril? She's a horrible murderer. Plus, since when can he tell prophecies? Can I even trust him? I wish I had the courage to speak up. No, no, stupid, I would never speak with Peril, even if James's life was on the line...

Eventually, Peril flew off. Good. I tap out a tune on my pillar. The dragonets are coming. Then James's body twitches and I stop immediately. "Scavenger," I hiss discreetly. He doesn't wake up. I need to rouse him. Some dragons pour cold water on each other, but since us SeaWings are rather accustomed to cold, we don't do it much.

Plus, I don't have any water.

But it's so small! Only a little bit would wake him!

I gather up the spit in my mouth- gross, I know. Then I spit all over the tiny scavenger.

"AHH!" James bolts upwards, a crazed, panicked look in his eyes. He looks at me. "Did my water bottle spill? Why am I wet?" He grabs his metal tube and shakes it. Water sloshes inside. "Uh, it's still full." He feels his shirt and scrunches his nose. "It's kinda sticky."

"Oh- my bad," I can feel my cheeks flushing blue. "I was trying to wake you."

"Oh." James takes off one layer of his animal skin and wipes up the slobber. "Gross." He grabs his container and takes a swig of it. Then he looks at me. "Thirsty? You can have some."

I hesitate, but nod. I am thirsty. Plus, his bottle is like the size of his head. Surely he has enough.

I hold up my talons, ready to catch it. He throws the tube with all his might, and it still barely gets over. Although the pillar gap is small, James is just microscopic in this giant world. The chain around his ankle is so small, I could probably bite it off- but I can't reach it. Catching the bottle, I mimic the motion James did but no water comes out. "The water isn't working!"

James laughs. "I'm pretty sure there's some left in there, and the water is definitely working."

I unscrew the cap and carefully pour a tiny bit into my mouth. It's barely any, but... whatever. I screw the cap on again and toss it back to James, who dodges it so it won't hit his head. "My bad," I say again. Then I address the elephant in the room. "What was that?"

"That? I thought dragons also had water bottles," James said confusedly. Then he looks at my face and sighs. "I... you mean the prophecy, don't you?" I nod. "I'm not sure... maybe the... uh... animus who... enchanted me gave me the power of foresight?" He sounds hopeful, not that his hypothesis was true, but that I'd believe it and drop the subject.

"Have you had any visions before today?" I press. "Any prophecies? Mind reading?" He shakes his head. "Nothing?" I say, more irritated than I intended. He shakes his head again, and I sigh heavily. "Alright."

I watch the little scavenger lay on his back and carefully scooch away from the edge. He's scared of heights, I remember. Weirdo.

"Do you remember the words?" I ask suddenly, as soon as the thought pops into my head.

"Huh? Yeah, I think so," he says doubtfully. He takes a deep breath. "Five are born, full of light, underneath the brightest ni-"

"That's definitely referring to the dragonets," I agreed. "I reeeeally hope they don't actually get captured."

"Shhhh," James scolds. "Five are born, full of light, underneath the brightest night.

Captured by the Scarlet Queen,

Their talents will now become seen.

Alive from the arena victory,

Although it's won by trickery.

However much they yearn to escape,

Destiny is forever shaped.

A body sinks down to the mud,

Stained the color of IceWing blood."

I'm shaking my head. "I don't like this," I growl softly. My blue talons curl in. "Captured by the Scarlet Queen... well, that's obvious... talents become seen. I guess they are powerful, after all they're the dragonets of prophecy. They must survive the arena. 'Alive from the arena victory'. But how would they win with trickery? And then... this part is awful... they can't escape, destiny doesn't let them, but aren't they supposed to save the world!" I breathe heavily. Why the heck is this so confusing? "And then a body..."

"It's horrible," James agrees, his voice a whisper. He bites his lip, and I can see a small blood stain there, like he does that a lot. Then he looks up at the sky, his gaze distant. "We should go to sleep. It's late."

I look up as well, and it is getting darker. My SeaWings eyes can barely tell the difference, though. I curl up and close my eyes. "Goodnight."

"Night," James responds sleepily. He closes his eyes.

The thoughts racing through my head slow, and I fade into a dreamless sleep.


"Wake up!" barks a SkyWing guard. I open my eyes drowsily and see the orange dragon standing over me. He shoves me roughly to one side. "You're going into the arena."

The Dragon's Seer (Wings of Fire fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now