Part 1 - Where Am I?

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"Uhhh..." I groan. I'm very sleepy, and my eyes seem to be glued shut by many eye boogers. Sitting up, I yawn and feel for the ground underneath me. Instead of feeling my gentle sheets and soft mattress, I feel large clumps of dirt.

"What the-" I open my eyes and take in my surroundings. As my eyes adjust to the light, I see a forest of strangely large trees. My eyes widen in shock, and a gasp escapes my lips. "HEEEELP!" I yell. My voice screeches as I desperately scream. "SOMEBODY, ANYBODY! HEEEEELP!"

Breathless, I hang my head. My throat hurts now, and it was all for nothing. No caped superhero had emerged from the bushes and saved me. I don't know what kind of crazy criminal put me here, but at least in stories, there's a hero to save the poor boy from certain death.

I scramble to my feet and take a good look at my surroundings. I already knew I was in a forest, but now I know that it's nighttime. Unfortunately, the treetops block my view, and I can barely see the...

Why are there three freaking moons?! My heart pounds wildly against my sore ribs.

What on Earth? There's something very wrong here.

Welp, there goes my chance of living.

Even in my shocked daze, something dawns on me. I'm not in my city anymore- I'm not even in my country. Not even in my own dimension. I'm in the WOF world- the world of Wings of Fire. Also, unfortunately, the world of fire-breathing dragons who like to eat humans as light snacks.

I'm panicking now, and my mind runs through every possible scenario. My head hurts from all the thinking, and it's been at least half an hour before I realize something.

Even if I find an animus, I might not be able to go home. I suck in a breath and sigh heavily. A silent tear runs down my cheek. I think about my family, my friends, even my dog. I sit down and put my head in my hands.

Then, suddenly, a twig snaps and I jolt back to reality. Something clicks in my mind, and my instincts take over. I get to my feet with lightning speed and run quicker than Usain Bolt. I never did track and field, but if I did, my teacher would've given me an A+ for that dash alone.

The only problem: that instinctive running of mine- it was speedy for a human, but also quite loud. My feet pounded on dry leaves and sticks, letting anybody close to me find my location easily. As I run, I suddenly feel the weight of my exhaustion and pain. My ankle is probably rolled, if not sprained. My quick running slows to a pitiful half-limp as the adrenaline wears off.

"Urghh..." Helplessly I stumble to the ground. I toss leaves and dirt over myself, careful not to twist my ankle anymore. Looking at it, I see that it's bruised and swollen. I wince and hope my pursuer cannot smell me through my makeshift camouflage. More tears run freely down my cheeks, but I'm careful not to make a sound.

"Is that a scavenger?" a loud voice cuts through my weeping. "Why's it all covered up in leaves?"

I swallow hard and open my eyes. I see the large face of a blue dragon. Terror rushes through me, and I try not to squeal.

"Hello, little one," says the SeaWing. He reaches out and grabs me in his massive talon. His claws dig painfully into my skin, and I let out a pitiful squeak.

"Hey! Ow..." The SeaWing's grip tightens, and my ribs push into each other. I flail around as much as possible, but the SeaWing barely even notices.

"Feisty little critter... I can deliver him to Queen Coral, or I can eat him right here..." the dragon muses.

"No, don't eat me!" I yell with all my might. Shocked, the dragon's grip slackens, and I push his claws away so he's not compressing my chest.

"Mimicker..." the SeaWing grumbles. "Alright, I'll just eat you right now!" He opens his jaws and a wave of disgusting fish-breath hits me.

"Arghh! No! I'm worth sparing! I can talk, I promise! I can help you!" I pant breathlessly. Luckily the dragon stops and sets me down roughly onto the dirt.

"Alright, you animus-touched mutt, why in the three moons can you speak?!" the dragon's booming voice terrifies me, and I shiver.

"I'm... uh... animus-touched, just as you guessed. I was created... by a NightWing... in a cave... I'm not a mutt... um, I know the future, I promise it's important to let me live and stuff because I can tell you stuff!" The last part comes out rapidly, in one quick breath. "My- my name is James."

The SeaWing shakes his head in disbelief. "Alright, scavenger, how do you know the future?" Threateningly, he leans in closer and hisses.

"The NightWings..." my brain whirrs as a background develops in my head. "They have a book of the future, but it's all prophecies... very cryptic, you know... and I read it. I can read... ya know, Dragon. I read it, but it only shows the next few years of the future..." I gulp, hoping my information is enough.

"Alright." the dragon pauses. "My name is Clam, and I'm a SeaWing."

"I can see that," I say, eyeing his blue body and glowing scales. "So, are you going to... eat me?" I look deep into the eyes of the dragon. Instead of seeing the malice and anger I expected, I see... kindness... and a heck-ton of confusion.

"Probably not." Clam says. "James?" I bite my lip. "Ya?" Clam looks down. "If you can really see the future... is the war going to end?"

I realize he is talking about the war of the SandWing succession. Since he clearly served Queen Coral, he would be fighting in Blister's side of the war. I take in a sharp breath. "Ya, Clam. The war is going to end."

Clam nods. "I don't even care who wins, I just want it to end."

I rest my hand on his talon. "Me too." An idea strikes me, and I can't ignore it. "Clam, can you take me to the Claws of Clouds mountain?"

Clam looks sharply at me. "That's in SkyWing territory."

I shrug. "Sorry. I just reeeeally need to go there." When Clam doesn't react, I know what will. "It's to end the SandWing war." Clam sighs and kneels down. I clamber onto his back and wrap my hands around his neck. Clam looks back at me, and I nod. Then the dragon opens his wings and lifts off, into the unknown.


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