Part 3 - Welp, there goes living :)

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By now all the DoD dragonets had gotten over their surprise of seeing Clay randomly holding a scavenger and Starflight was currently mooning over me. Clay had set me down on a rocky ledge and I had stayed sitting down, too scared to speak or move.

"He's so cute, Clay," Sunny says. She's prettier and shinier than she was described in the books, and also much larger. Still, she is the smallest of the dragonets.

"Why'd you bring it?" Glory says rather coldly. However, she sounds inquisitive, like she actually wants to know. 

"I thought I heard the little guy speak..." Clay trails off, thinking he sounds stupid. Starflight's eyes widen noticeably.

"No way!" He prods me with a dark gray claw. "Speak, scavenger," he commands sternly.

I open my mouth. "I need help..." I manage to squeak out. Clay does a double take although he's already heard me, Tsunami eyes look like they're about to pop out of their sockets, Sunny smiles in a shocked way, and Starflight falls backwards completely, probably fainted. Glory, however, only snorts.

"So it can mimic," Glory says, rolling her eyes. "It's basically a parrot." She does look curious, though, however skeptical she is.

"I'm not an it!" I protest, then slump backwards in resignation to my fate. Glory tilts her head sideways.

Tsunami growls. "Tell me who you are!"

"My name is..." I try to think of a dragon kind of name so they wouldn't be so confused. However, my mind basically blanks and I blurt, "Ask-" I was going to say, ask yourselves, I'm a scavenger I don't have a name, and just pretend to be a stupid clueless scavenger. However, Sunny interrupted me.

"Your name is Ash?" Sunny asks earnestly. She sounds astonished. "That's so cool!"

"Well... no," I say bluntly. I look at the five dragons- no, four dragons, Starflight was still fainted on the floor- "My name... alright, fine, I guess it is Ash."

Glory wrinkles her snout. "Strange little thing."

"He's not strange!" Sunny exclaims. She looks at Glory for a second. "Okay, maybe... but he's not strange, he's just smart!"

"You don't know that he's a he," Clay pointed out.

"Might as well be an it," Tsunami said. She goes up to me and pokes me, much like Starflight.

"Ow!" I yelp. I push Tsunami's claw off of me as much as I can. "I'm a boy, I am!"

Starflight groggily stands up from the floor. "Wha..." Then he looks at me. "Oh!"

He swoops me up into his talon.

"Ah! Put me down please, Starflight!" Starflight looks shocked and is speechless.

"How do you know his name?!" Tsunami demands. She growls threateningly. "We should just eat him, shouldn't we?" Tsunami looks around for support.

"No! You can't eat Ash!" Sunny pipes up. Clay smiles reassuringly at the golden dragon. "Of course we won't eat him, Sunny." Starflight nods in agreement. "We have to study him."

Tsunami looks at Glory, who shrugs her wings. "I'm vegetarian," she says, which is a rather good point.

"We can turn him over to Kestrel if we need to, clearly he knows more than he's letting on," Tsunami said suspiciously.

"I'm still here!" I complain. "It's not very nice to talk about eating somebody when they can literally hear you."

"Sorry," Sunny apologizes. She gestures for Starflight to give me to her and he complies. Sunny then sets me gently on the ledge I was on earlier. "What do you think, Ash?"

"Well... first, my full name is Ashton, and I can speak dragon," I say. I look at Starflight as I speak. "I was animus-touched... by a SeaWing princess, and then I ran away from the cell they kept me in. I ran to a cave where I found a book... written by NightWings... it told of a prophecy, of a war, and five dragonets... but nothing about the end of the war..." I feel guilty as I say this, because I know who will win the war. "There was not much in there, and it was very cryptic... my dragon reading is not so good..."

"There's a NightWing prophecy book?" Starflight says after a moment. The other four dragonets seem to be processing what I said.

I nod. "I mean, it was only about one prophecy, but yeah." I look around. "And the book seems to be correct. "A golden SandWing with no tail barb, a fierce SeaWing with... interesting... origins, a MudWing with special abilities, a NightWing who can't read minds, a..."

I look at Glory, not knowing what to say, but it's Starflight who speaks first.

"They know about that..." I nod again, feeling sorry for the young dragon.

"You're wondering why I'm not a SkyWing, aren't you," Glory butts in bitterly. She glances back at Starflight with a sorry but I gotta say something look.

"No, it said that in the book too, but they told everybody it would be a SkyWing," I lied. "Apparently they were disgusted to think a RainWing... sorry Glory... would be in the prophecy, so they tried to change the inevitable future..."

Glory is speechless, and actually smiles.

"Thanks..." she says finally.

"Don't sweat it, it's my pleasure," I say. I turn to Clay, Tsunami, and Sunny. "The prophecy... I don't know the ending, but it does say that you will succeed."

I kind of regret not telling them about my true origins, that I came from Earth, but there was nothing I could do now.

"I need to go sit down," Tsunami says sharply. She hurries off without another word, but glances back at me with a worried look.

"She's going to rat me out, isn't she?" I mumble. I lean my head back on a rocky wall and look down.

"No, she won't, I won't let her," Sunny says fiercely."I- I'll- I don't know what I'll do, but I'll do something."

Clay smiles encouragingly at Sunny. "That's nice," he says absentmindedly. He then hesitates and looks at Glory. "I don't know why he's here, but we shouldn't kill him. Okay?"

Starflight nods in support and also turns to Glory.

Glory sighs. "Alright Clay, but you won't see me getting all close to it or anything."

"Can you guys not like... talk about killing me?" I offer weakly. Sunny pats my head with a giant talon and grins. "Ash, where to you want to sleep?"

Glory rolls her eyes. "It can sleep on the floor."

"You all... can you find some bedding for him, I need to ask Ash something?" Starflight asks. This shocks me- Starflight has been silent for a while. "Please?"

Sunny nods submissively, but looks at Starflight curiously. Glory rolls her eyes and walks out the door with Sunny right behind her. Clay hesitates and glances at me like saying, tell me later. I shrug and look at Starflight.

Starflight looks back to make sure his friends aren't looking and then turns to me. He leans close and whispers something in my ear.

"What do you know about animus powers?"

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