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Ok sorry I didn't get a chapter out yesterday I was tired all day and RN I'm at a friend's house but Im still writing this chapter cuz I said I would. ON WITH THE STORY!!!!!

~parrot pov~

"Ok guys come here we gotta break out y/n and get her back to zam" I said. "Wait, what if we don't give her to zam and surprise him when he's free from clown?" Spoke asked and we all thought for a few minutes till woogie said "I feel like he would kill us if we did that......". "I mean he probably would because y'know shes his girlfriend and all and we all know heisses the shit outta her" I said logically.

Vortex walked in at that moment, "hm whatcha y'all talking about?" He asked rubbing his eye. "Lemme guess, you just woke up from your nap" spoke says sarcastically. "Mmmmm yeah" says vortex stretching his wings. I noticed woogie staring to vortex, I walked over to him and whispered in his ear "are you enjoying watching vortex". I smirked knowing I hit a soft spot for woogie. He turned to look at me, his entire face was red with embarrassment. I laughed a bit at woogies reaction. He quickly walked out of the room avoiding vortex's gaze.

"What's with him?" Vortex asked me as I watched woogie walk down the hall. "Oh y'know nothing" I said casually still smirking. "Oh well um, I'ma go check on him" said vortex. "K don't take to long cuz we got a plan to discuss" I said. "K I'll try not to take too long"
Said vortex.

"What'd you tell woogie parrot!?" Spoke asks surprised. "You know woogie doesn't get flustered easily!! How'd you do it!?!?!?". "A mater never reveals his secrets" I said plainly and smirked. I turned to face spoke. When I saw his face I couldn't help but stare. He walked up to me and waved a hand in front of my face. "Yo parrot you good?" He asked.

I jumped a bit. "Oh uh y-yeah. I'm fine" I said a little flustered. 'god why spoke. Why does it have to be my best friend' I thought a I looked down at the ground and turned away from spoke. After a few minutes I felt a pair of arms wrap around my neck. I jumped then Realized it was spoke. I melted into spokes arms not wanting him to let go.

I heard footsteps coming from the hall and I jumped away from spoke not wanting vortex and woogie to see me and spoke like that. I turned to spoke and the hallway and spoke seemed concerned. He came up to me and whispered "are you ok parrot?". I could tell he was worried. I nodded my head and he seemed to calm down.

Vortex and woogie walked in and we started discussing the plan. "So our final plan is break her out and take her back here so she can rest comfortably then she can help us fight clown and maybe she can encounter zam on the battle field" I said just making sure that was the final plan and everyone was ok with it.

"Yep thats fine with me" spoke said. Vortex and woogie looked at each other and nodded their heads in agreement. "K let's get our stuff and head out then" I said in a serious tone.

~time skip~

Me, spoke, vortex and woogie were standing outside of clowns circus. We were all nervous because we didn't wanna run into clown and get slaughtered. It was the dead of night and I silently opened the door to clown and branzys circus. We all as quietly as possible tiptoed around for awhile till we turned into the kitchen and saw branzy. We all started freaking out and his behind the wall.

When we realized he wouldn't leave  anytime soon I said "y'all stay here and come out on my signal" they all nodded. I walked out from behind the wall and pulled my dagger out. I snuck up behind branzy and put my dagger to his throat. "Don't call for clown and if you do you will die" I said quietly yet coldly. Branzy froze and shook his head slightly. I quietly whistled signaling the others to come out.

Spoke vortex and woogie came out from behind the wall. "Tell us where y/n is" spoke said coldly. Branzy shuddered at the coldness in spokes voice. "S-shes down s-stairs" he studdered. "Should we bring him along to make sure he doesn't run and tell clown and then we release him when we're ready to go?" I questioned. "Sure" they all said. We all walked to the door we saw on our way to the kitchen. We walked down the stairs and saw a cell with y/n in it. "Y/n!" I said excitedly. She looked up from the floor and smiled sadly. "Y/n we came to take you to our base to rest" spoke stated. I pushed branzy forward, knowing he had the key.

He got the hint and unlocked y/n's cell. She ran out and hugged me, then spoke, then vortex, then woogie. She hugged us one by one. I took a hold of branzy again and placed my dagger back to his throat and started up the stairs wanting to get outta there as fast as possible.

When we got to the door we opened it and stepped out. As soon as we were a good distance away, I released branzy. "If you tell clown we took y/n we will hunt you down and kill you till you lose all your lives" woogie said, his voice as cold as ice. Branzy shivered and ran back to the circus. After he was out of our sight we started running back to base, y/n following.

When we got back, y/n plopped down on the couch and layed down. "Are you gonna sleep here y/n?" I questioned. "I mean where else am I supposed to sleep?" She questioned back. I shrugged my shoulders and headed off to my room.

I got changed and layed in bed. 'god my legs hurt so bad from all the walking and running I've done today' I thought as I heard a knock at my door. "Whatttt" I whined. Spoke opened the door and I instantly smiled. "Hey spoke, whatcha need?" I asked him. He walked over to my bed and just kinda stood there. "I uh I-I uh-" I cut him off by pulling on his arm and he fell onto my bed and I threw my blanket over him. He tensed at what I did but then slowly relaxed. When he was fully relaxed, I wrapped an arm around him and he cuddled into my chest.

'god this feels amazing, I guess I never realized quite how much I like spoke' I thought as I fell asleep holding spoke close.


Hehehe sorry I had to add some havoc duo..... Anyways I know I said I would post Monday and Friday but you see, I was to lazy Friday then we went to a farmers market to sell some of our stuff and I dragged along a friend then I went to her house for the rest of the day then I never got the chance yesterday so here's the chapter!!! Hope you enjoyed!!! Go eat some food and drink some water.

See ya later my dragonets!!
Word count-1260

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