kidnapped(again lmao)

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Hehehehe chapter upload day!!! Hope y'all enjoy!!

~y/n pov~

I felt someone catch me after the explosion, my thought process was 'i hope that's zam' then black out.
~lil time skip~
I woke up and looked around, then I realized that I'm in a cell. The space outside the cell had cement walls and a staircase on the other side of the room. My guess was I was in a cell in someone's basement. 'who the hell just randomly has a fucking jail cell in their basement?' I thought. I wondered where I was.

I heard footsteps above me and soon enough someone came down the stairs, I was sorta expecting it to be poafa or terry, but no, I was very very wrong. I looked to see who came down the stairs, I saw someone that I've never met before. They were wearing something along the lines of a clown costume. "Ah your finally awake" he said, just hearing he voice made me jump a little. "Branzy!" He called and a few minutes later someone with silver hair came down the stairs. "Whatcha need clown" he asked, he seemed to be very enthusiastic and I couldn't figure out why.

"Oh y'know the prisoners awake so I want you to tell them what's going on and why they're here while I go collect some stuff" the guy in the joker outfit said. "Ok! See ya soon!" Said the silver haired man. "Who are y'all?" I asked trying to sound as confident as I could. The silver haired man turned to me. He smiled. "oh that's clown and I'm branzy!" He said. 'god this branzy kid is so damn enthusiastic about everything' I thought. "Why does clown wear that fricking clown outfit?" I asked. "Y'know, I don't know. He never told me and I never asked"Branzy said.

"Why do y'all call him clown?" I asked another question and I still had a million more. "Uh I don't know, he just prefers to be called that" I could tell branzy was getting a little annoyed about the amount of questions I had. "How many questions am I allowed to ask before you kill me?" I asked. I thought if I asked enough questions maybe he'd kill me then I could respawn back at base with zam.

"I mean you can ask as many as you want but I'm not gonna kill you cuz if I did, clown would probably kill me and I don't want that" branzy said. "Well shit" I muttered under my breath. "Uh how long am I gonna be here?" I asked, I wanted to know how long I was gonna be in the hell hole before I could see zam again. "Eh no saying really. I would assume till this war ends and who knows how long that'll be" branzy answered with a small chuckle. "Oh good God! I just wanna see zam!" I yelled and branzy jumped back a little at my sudden outburst. "Oh god, don't do that in front of clown, he'll probably kill you himself if you did that" branzy said shocked. "Good" I said coldly. I didn't wanna be there any longer than I already have.

Clown came down and asked " what's all the yelling branzy?". "Oh um Im just explaining stuff" branzy said nervously. "Mhm ok well I'll be back soon to take y/n to spawn. See ya soon branz" clown said and walked back up stairs. "So lemme explain before clown kills me. So clown kidnapped you to use you as bait for zam and his team. Clown wants them to fight on our side and the only way clown could think of doing this was kidnapping someone and that someone just said happened to be you. So you're probably gonna be down here till the war ends" branzy explained.

After a few minutes, clown came back down and opened my cell. I gave him my best death stare, he didn't flinch. He tied some rope around my wrists and practically dragged me upstairs and outta the house. We started walking towards spawn.

When we got to spawn, I saw zam Vitalasy and subz. I looked at the ground cuz I knew what was about to happen.

~clownpierce pov~

When we got to spawn y/n looked at the ground, I smiled a bit under my mask knowing that she knows what I'm gonna ask and there's no way her team can deny. "Clownpierce" Vitalasy said coldly. I gave branzy the rope that holds y/n. "Vitalasy" I said with the same coldness he used. I saw out of the corner of my eye run over to y/n and hug her. Branzy let him.

Subz drew his sword. "No need for that subz, unless you want y/n here to watch you all die when you try to fight me" I said as I slowly started to grin at the thought of a fight. "What do you want then" zam said from behind me. I turned around and said "unless you want your precious y/n here to die, your gonna help me fight this war"

"Help you? Clown you realize that sounds ridiculous right? You don't need help" subz said. "Oh but when you're facing the entire server, you realize you're gonna need help" I said calmly. I pushed zam away from y/n and took the rope from branzy, I held my dagger to y/n throat. "If you want y/n to live, you'll help me" zam was looking directly at y/n,, I could tell he didn't want her to die, he'd do anything to prevent that.

Zam turned to his team and they started discussing things and after a few minutes they all turned to face me. "Ok clown, we'll help you" Vitalasy said.


Yo whatsup my dragonets. Later here in like 2 hours I'm gonna be going outta town to see a cardiologist and I hope it goes well. Anyways I hope y'all enjoyed. Go eat something drink some water do your homework and just stay awesome!!!

Peace-shadow out

Word count-1024

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