the secret pt 2

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This chapters prob gonna be a long one just like the last one. It may not be but you know, who knows. I hope it's a shorter chapter.
Warning:lil fluff

~Y/n pov~
As you Vitalasy and subz finish the build, zam appears by your side. "Ah! Zam where'd you come from?!" You say. Zam just looks at you then at the build. "what's this for y/n?" He asks, but you already know he knows what it's for. "Ummmm nothing....." you say hoping he doesn't know. Zam sighs "you know I already know what this is for. How could you go behind my back.". "Zam listen" you say but he already started to walk away. "Zam!" You call, but he doesn't look back. "Zam doesn't like people going behind his back cuz that's what team awesome did to him" Vitalasy says, appearing behind you. "I know but that's why I'm doing this, I wanna get them back for everything they did to zam. I wanna get revenge on them" you say. "I know that's what you wanna do, and trust me, so do we, but we just haven't been able to beat them. That's why me and subz are helping you, I hope with your powerful weapon, we'll be able to take them down" Vitalasy says, putting his hand on your shoulder. "Well, since we've finished we should go get something to eat" you say as you watch the sun slowly disappear. "Yeah you're right, let's go. Subz!" Vitalasy calls for subz.

The three of you walk back to base together. When you get there you look for zam, but you don't see him in the kitchen or the living room. You grab something to eat And sit down at the table,you finish and tell Vitalasy and subz good night. When you walk into zam's room, you see him laying in his bed, you walk over to make sure he's asleep but he's not. "What do you want y/n" he says coldly. You jump a little at his harsh tone. "Woah zam, I don't think you've ever been like this" you say, worried. "It's just you went behind my back and did something I thought you wouldn't do" he says. "Zam, the only reason I'm doing this is because I wanna get revenge on mapicc and ro for everything they did to you" you say.

Zam sits up and looks at you. 'oh god, I feel awful now'  you thought as you look at zam. 'it looks like he's been crying for the last hour' . "Zam, are you ok?" You ask him, worry fills your voice and he can tell you're worried. "I just never thought you'd go behind my back, you knew I didn't want you to" he says as you hug him. "I promise I won't do it again" you say as zam lays his head on your shoulder. Zam's crying slowed down after you made that promise. 'i can't break that promise, he'll never trust me again'  you thought as zam said "you know what I'll just tell you my whole train of thought". You looked at zam in shock. "Your whole train of thought?" You said, shocked." Yeah" said zam.

~time skip~(I don't wanna write out his whole train of thought cuz that'd take forever and I don't have forever)

"Wow zam, you worry so much about everything around you" you say in pure shock. "I know, Vitalasy and subz say I should worry less but I can't" he says. "I really really don't want you getting hurt y/n. And if you do I don't know what I'd do, I'd feel like it'd be all my fault" zam says. "Zam, nothing I choose to do is your fault, if I get hurt while doing this, then that's on me, don't feel like it's your fault" you reassured zam. "Wow maybe I should start telling people my thoughts all the time cuz I feel a whole lot better now" zam laughs, you laugh too. After a while of silence, zam drifts off into sleep.

'wow I can't believe zam worries that much. I really wish I would have told him what me subz and Vitalasy are doing before we started, maybe he wouldn't be so worried if he knew what was gonna happen'  you to yourself as you look at zam, sleeping on your shoulder, you slowly start to drift off into sleep. 'tomorrow the procedure begins' that was your last thought as you fell asleep.

Heyyyyy guys I'm back. I'm really glad this chapter wasn't as long as last chapter cuz last chapter took me 2 hours to write and by the end I just wanted to watch something. I hope y'all enjoyed, the chapter should be out tomorrow. Tbh I can't wait for chapter 9(remember I have a lot of chapters planned out in my notebook)
Uhhhh so yeah peace-shadow
Word count- 825

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