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Ok so I've decided that I'ma get a chapter done every Monday and Friday. Uh warning: blood and war and death.ON WITH THE STORY!!!!!!

~zam pov~

"Zam, Vitalasy, subz, branzy!" I heard clown call from somewhere in this giant circus. I found Vitalasy and subz, "apparently clown wants us. Let's go" I said boredly. "Yep, we heard it zam" subz said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. 'god I just wanna see y/n and clown won't let me' I thought with a sigh as we all walked to where we heard clown shout out names.

As we walked through the long hallways, I looked at the pictures scattered across the walls, most of them were pictures of people being killed on the battlefield and some of them were more peaceful pictures of people sitting in parks or reading books. You could definitely tell which ones branzy picked and which ones clown picked.

We walked into clown and branzy meeting room and just stood in the doorway with a bored look but on the inside I was dying, I wanted to see y/n so badly that I didn't care about anything else. "Ok so now that we're all here, we're about to fight roshambo, mapicc,poafa,red,ash,terry and Leo. So I hope you all have the proper gear for this fight" clown said.

"Who do think we are, of course we have the gear" I said sarcastically from where I was standing. "I don't feel like fighting anyways, I'd rather die" I said, everyone in the room looked shocked at what I had said, then clowns expression changed. "Oh, the reason you don't wanna fight is cuz the only thing you care about is y/n. So what if I said if you fight and try your hardest I'll let you see her for a few minutes but if you don't" clown stopped and waited for my reaction and at the metion of being able to see her, I perked up. "And if you don't, I'll kill her" he finished. I glared at clown and said coldly "you wouldn't dare kill her". "Oh but I would" was all he said before he walked out of the room going to get prepared.

Vitalasy and subz left as well leaving only me and branzy in the room. I walked up to branzy and pinned him to a wall. "If you dare call for clown your dead branzy" I said coldly. Branzy looked at me with pleading eyes. "O-ok. W-what do you w-want zam?" He stuttered. "I wanna know why clown won't let me see y/n" I said, still holding my dagger to branzys throat "all I know is h-he doesn't want t-to bug him a-about seeing y-y/n constantly so-so he just d-doesnt let you s-see her at all" branzy stuttered. "Mhm, well tell your little boyfriend it's pissing me off way too much" I said and removed my dagger and stepped back. "He's not my boyfriend!" Branzy retorted. I chuckled and went to go gather my stuff.

'im going to fight my hardest to see y/n again. I don't care what it takes' I thought as we faced our enemy. As soon as we all drew out swords, we started fighting. I was fighting mapicc and I managed to get a hit on him, blood dripped from his arm onto the ground as we continued Fighting. I could see the scars on him from the last battle we had. I remembered when y/n threw her dagger and hit mapicc. Just the thought of her made me faulter my attack. Mapicc noticed and blocked it and managed to barely hit the side of my face, it hurt. I knew there'd be a small scar there for awhile. I backed away.

I felt something hit the back of my arm, I yelped in pain and surprise. I spun around to find Leo smirking. My eyes widened as I realized I couldn't take a 1v2. "Clown!" I called out for clowns help. I saw him look around and spot me, he quickly took down terry and ran over to help me. He leaped up and plunged his sword into Leo's back. Leo yelped in pain as he fell to the ground. Leo turned into white smoke as (leowook was slain by clown pierce) popped up it chat. I turned to face mapicc but him and the others that survived were gone.

Me, clown, Vitalasy, subz, and branzy all met up in the middle of the now blood covered field and recapped what happened. "Do I get to see y/n?" I questioned looking at clown hopefully. "I guess you can see y/n" he said rolling his eyes. "Yes!" I shouted jumping up and down. I then ran as fast as I could to the circus, clown and the others following close behind me.
~time skip~
I busted down the circus door and ran to the door to the basement. I eagerly waited for branzy to get to the door. When he unlocked the door, I pushed him aside and busted down that door too. I ran down the stairs, almost falling in the process. I heard branzy say "wow someone can't wait". I grinned as I saw y/n sitting in her cell looking sad. When she looked up, she smiled which made me smile even more.

Branzy unlocked her cell and let me in, then closed it behind me but didn't lock it. The first thing I did was pull y/n off the ground and hug her. 'god I don't ever wanna let go' I thought as I held her tightly. When she pulled away, she looked up at me "god I thought I wasn't gonna see you again for ages zam" she said. I tested my hand on her cheek and said softly "you'll always see me again y/n, I'll never leave you". "Aww zam that's so sweet, I'll never leave you either" she said. I chuckled and kissed her.

Ok that's all y'all are getting. I've planned almost the whole rest on the story. I plan to end it around chapter 35-40 maybe. So be expecting the end here in the next few months or so. I hope you enjoyed and oh yeah one other thing. I've decided to take a month or so off from writing and then start another book! I plan for this one to have dragons in it(as I love dragons) but still be a lifesteal book. Anyways hope you enjoyed! Go eat something get some sleep and stay awesome!!
Word count:1118

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