triple date pt2

119 3 7

Hehehehehe I'm back guys!!!! Hope you enjoy!!!

~y/n pov~

As me, zam, ash, red, Vitalasy, and subz walk up to the restaurant, we all just kinda admired how much effort was put into it. The walls were made of polished deep slate and the windows were stained red. "Oh good God this place looks amazing...." I said shocked. "You're not wrong y/n" ash snickered. "Oh god, he's snickering, RUN!" I said and we all burst out laughing.

"You're funny y'know that" red said still laughing. "Yeah yeah yeah whatever. Oh by the way, I only take compliments from zam" I said grinning. I looked over at zam and I could tell his face was dusted a light red. I giggled at zam reaction and walked over him, I hugged zam and he hugged me back. "Aww so cute!!" I heard Vitalasy say. I pushed away from zam and whipped my head around, "what did you just say?" I glared at him.

"Oh um nothing" Vitalasy said looking away. "Mhm, you suck y'know that" I said sarcastically. I heard zam chuckle behind me. Vitalasy gasped and looked at me shocked. I knew he was faking it. "How dare you say I suck!" Vitalasy said with even more sarcasm. I just laughed and hesitantly grabbed zam's hand as we walked in.

Zam kinda jumped as I lightly grabbed his hand, 'what If he's not comfortable with this' I thought as I tried to move my hand. Before I could move my hand to my side, zam tightened his grip a little. I looked at zam, he had this look on his face that said 'please don't let go y/n'. So I took that as a sign that he was comfortable.

We all walked in and saw spepticle at the counter. "Oh hey guys! Whatcha need!" Spep says cheerfully. "Oh hey spep! We just need a table for six!" Ash says with the same enthusiasm as spep. "Okie dokie! Follow me!" Spep responds.

Spep leads us to a table in the back and says "here you go!" And hands us the menus then walks off. The table has 6 seats, 3 on each side. Me and zam side across from each other, ash sits next to me and red is across from him, Vitalasy sits next to ash and subz sits across from Vitalasy.

"So, y/n, how'd you and zam meet?" Ash asked. "Um well, I was watching one of zam's streams, as I was a mod, and zam said he wanted to talk to me later after stream. So after he ended stream, he asked for my discord and I gave it to him. Soon after he dmed me asking if we could just be friends and everyday after we talked about how our day went and what we planned on doing the next day. Then y'know I joined the server and so here I am, with zam" I finished looking at zam and smiled.

Zam smiled back. 'god he's so cute when he smiles. And the way his crown sits lopsided on his head. God I love zam' I thought. "So ash, what first caused you to like red" I smirked. "Oh um well, as you know me and red used to be enemies and we fought a lot. And I guess over time, I just started liking him. Every time we fought I stopped trying to actually kill him or even hurt him. He still tried to kill me every time, I just couldn't kill him. I took a lot of hits, and during one of our battles, red suddenly stopped and asked if I was even trying to kill him. Of course I lied and said I was. I remember he said I was sloppy if I was trying" ash said.

"I remember that, now I understand why you seemed so sloppy during those battles" red laughed. We have barely looked at the menus when spep came over. "Oh hey guys, y'all ready to order your food?" Spep asked. "Uh yeah" I said looking at the menu. "Uh I want steak and water I guess" I said. "wow did you really look at the menu?" Spep asked. "not really" I said smiling. "Oh well I guess we're all getting what your getting y/n" zam said and everyone nodded. Spep wrote something down and left.

"Ok so, Vitalasy and subz, how'd y'all meet?" Zam asked. "I figured you'd know that zam" I said shocked. "no not really" zam said shyly. "Oh ok" was all I could think to say. "Uh anyways. I met subz when I first joined the server. It was a new season and I needed a team, when I figured out that subz didn't have a team, I asked him to team. He said no at first but I kept asking and asking till he said yes. And then he learned that I wasn't so bad" Vitalasy said.

"Ok look, I thought you were one of those people who were creepy as hell y'know" subz retorted. "Mhm and now here you are dating me!" Vitalasy grinned and subz blushed.  Vitalasy just laughed even harder at the fact that subz blushed. "Vitalasy!!! Quit laughing!!!!!" Subz yelled. "Ahem, I have y'all food" spep says and comes outta nowhere. "Oh hey spep" I say.

Spep and poafa set our food down in front of us and asked if we needed anything else. We all said no, and continued talking about random stuff.

"When we leave do you think we're gonna get jumped by someone?" Vitalasy asked. "Let's hope that doesn't happen" I said as I thought about being attacked and possibly losing zam. Spep came up to us and said "are y'all all done?". 'of course he has that same enthusiasm as always' I thought as we all nodded. "Hey spep, where'd you get all that enthusiasm?" Zam asked "oh I don't know" spep said.

We all walk to the door and said our goodbyes to spep, poafa, and terrain. When we walked out, we barely heard the TNT go off before we all went flying in different directions. I felt someone grabs me before I blacked out


Hehehe cliff hanger for y'all. I know I said I was going outta town today but that changed so I've been at my friend's for a while. I hope enjoy and maybe y'all will get another chapter tomorrow or maybe I'll just read all day tomorrow. Who knows but y'all will start getting more chapters!!😁

Peace-shadow out

Word count-1097

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