A Call Made

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Hazelle was fully geared up, with her mask on, and ready to go. She hopped on her sleek, black motorcycle, which had been surprisingly hidden from Clark underneath the truck. Clark was taken aback and had no idea how she managed to hide it from him. Meanwhile, the alien shifted his focus to listening closely to Batman's heartbeat. 

Hazelle, now in her vigilante persona as Shadow Fox, received a text from Robin informing her that he and the Titans had found the laughing drugs and were informing Gordon in Gotham City. Shadow Fox responded with a quick thumbs-up emoji, feeling proud of her brother for finding the dangerous drugs. 

As she was about to speed off, Robin sent her another text message, this time with alarming news. "Joker has left Gotham with Harley Quinn, Two-Face, Penguin, and Bane." Shadow Fox narrowed her eyes and kept her phone's sound on, relaying the message to the Justice League, "Joker left Gotham with Two-Face, Bane, and Penguin." 

The Justice League was immediately filled with worry etched on their faces. Flash stood by Shadow Fox and gazed at her with an expression that somehow made her blush lightly. Realizing what he was doing, Flash snapped his head, his cheeks burning. His heart sped up slightly as he suddenly thought of Shadow Fox, her skills, attitude, and the aura around her. He was smitten with her. 

"Where are they?" Flash asked, trying to shift the focus away from his feelings. Shadow Fox shrugged, unsure where the Joker and his cohorts had gone. Superman turned his head to the north of the city and said, "I hear his heart beating rapidly."

Flash couldn't help but stand in awe of Shadow Fox. Her skills, her bravery, and her beauty were all too impressive to ignore. He knew he was developing feelings for her. Still, he was also aware that Batman would never approve of his daughter being romantically involved with a member of the Justice League. "Batman's gonna kill me if he finds out that I like his daughter," The speedster pondered, feeling torn between his loyalty to the team and his growing affection for Shadow Fox. 

Superman takes the lead, soaring through the sky with his cape fluttering behind him. As he flies, he picks up on the sound of Batman's heartbeat, which starts to speed up and then slow down. He turns his head to Shadow Fox, who is riding her bike beside him, and hears her phone ringing. She comes to a stop, and the Justice League quickly surrounds her, scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. 

Martian Manhunter looks at Shadow Fox with a frown, studying her carefully as she checks the caller ID on her phone. "Something's not right," She mutters, and Aquaman and Cyborg stand beside her, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of trouble. 

The call is put on speaker, and Harley's voice comes through the phone, sounding excited, "Oh, Mister J! I think everything is going to end perfectly!" Shadow Fox's eyes widen as she looks at the League, and they all know that something is not correct. The excitement in Harley's voice sounds forced, and the League senses danger lurking in the shadows. 

Suddenly, Joker's voice is heard in the background, and Harley shuffling and a few taps against her phone can be heard. Superman's super-hearing picks up Batman's heartbeat racing faster than ever before, and he knows they must act quickly. 

The League prepares for battle, their senses sharp, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of trouble. They know that they must stay alert and work together if they hope to overcome the danger that lies ahead. They can feel the tension in the air, and they know that they must be ready for whatever comes their way. 

The air was fraught with tension as Joker's voice boomed through Harley's phone, promising an evening of wild fun. The sound of fabric rustling and fingers tapping could be heard in the background, indicating that he was standing right next to her. Shadow Fox's eyes snapped to Superman, noticing the tension in his stance as he picked up on Batman's erratic breathing. She could hear the sound of Batman's labored breaths through the phone, and her heart rate spiked in anticipation. 

With lightning-fast reflexes, Superman grabbed Shadow Fox's phone, located Batman's whereabouts, and sent a text to Harley, telling her they were coming. "Let's go!" He shouted, and the League sprang into action, racing through the city streets as fast as they could go. Flash pushed Shadow Fox's bike beyond its limits, and the wind whipped past her face as they hurtled towards the abandoned factory they suspected Batman was being held in.

Superman's superhuman hearing picked up on painful screams coming from within the factory, and he could tell they were coming from Batman. Shadow Fox's fury ignited as she crashed through the factory doors with a deafening roar, the Justice League close behind her. The dust settled, revealing a scene of chaos. Joker, Riddler, and Scarecrow turned to face them in surprise, their eyes widening as they took in the sight of the League standing tall and ready for battle.

"Batman!" Superman calls out.

The factory was old and dilapidated, with rusted machinery and peeling paint. Batman was tied to a table near a conveyor belt full of Gateway City boxes, and his face and body twisted in agony. Shadow Fox could feel her blood boiling at the sight of her father in pain and revved her bike's engine. 

The Joker's twisted smile stretches across his face as he takes in the scene before him. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" He sneers, "I see the Bat has some new friends. How cute." 

The Riddler chimes in with a smirk, "Yes, it seems our little party just got a bit more lively. Shall we give them a proper welcome?" Scarecrow nods in agreement, his eyes gleaming with malice, "Yes, let's show them what happens to those who dare to cross us." As the three villains take a step forward, the tension in the room reaches a fever pitch. But the Justice League stands firm, their weapons at the ready and their resolve unbreakable. 

The air was thick with tension as Shadow Fox scanned the room, her senses on high alert. Suddenly, she spotted Harley Quinn lurking near the conveyor belt, nervously tapping her left leg. But that was just the beginning - Bane, Two-Face, and Penguin were all there too, lurking in the shadows with malicious intent. 

As Shadow Fox watched, something large and menacing moved in the shadows, and before she knew it, Bane had emerged into the light, his eyes flashing with malice. "Look who we have here!" He snarled. "It's been a long time, Shadow Fox." And as if that wasn't enough, Two-Face and Penguin appeared next, grinning wickedly at the assembled Justice League. 

And when Scarecrow and Riddler joined their ranks, it was clear that the heroes were in for a serious fight. To top it all off, the Joker himself stepped forward, ready to unleash his twisted brand of chaos on the unsuspecting heroes. 

The Justice League faced off against a lineup of notorious villains, each one more dangerous than the last. Harley Quinn watched from a distance, her heart racing with fear as she surveyed the scene. Her gaze flickered to the table nearby, where the antidote - the only thing that could save Batman's life - lay waiting. 

Shadow Fox charged towards the Joker on her motorcycle, launching the JL team into action. Each hero fought valiantly against the criminals, while Harley seized the chance to grab the syringes and free Batman from his restraints. She struggled to get him off the table as the villains were distracted by the chaos. 

With the Dark Crusader finally free, Harley worked quickly to get him to safety. Every step was fraught with danger, and every sound was a potential threat. Her heart pounded with fear as she slipped through the shadows, her eyes darting nervously from side to side.

Unbeknownst to her, Martian Manhunter watched from a distance, his keen eyes tracking her every move. As he battled Bane, he couldn't help but wonder: what was Harley's ultimate goal? 

The stakes were high, and the JL knew that they were in for the fight of their lives. Every blow and counterblow echoed through the tense silence, each one bringing them closer to victory... or defeat. But with Harley's bravery and quick thinking, they just might have a fighting chance against the ruthless villains threatening their world.

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