Tracker Is On

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The Justice League was in complete disarray as they engaged in a heated debate over whether or not to trust Harley Quinn. Aquaman slammed his trident on the floor, demanding answers as to why Harley was choosing to leave the Joker and if she was trying to deceive them. The Green Lantern stood with his arms crossed, his expression skeptical, as he wondered how Harley knew Hazelle's identity. The Green Arrow remained silent, his mind racing as he considered all the possible outcomes. The Martian Manhunter tried to calm everyone down, reminding them that Harley had promised to help Hazelle for six months and that they should trust her. Wonder Woman asked Hazelle if she trusted Harley, to which Hazelle hesitated before reluctantly agreeing.

Arthur was incredulous that Hazelle would put her faith in Harley. Flash silently agrees with Hazelle, believing that Harley will do whatever it takes to escape the Joker, including aiding Shadow Fox in finding Batman and eliminating Joker's laughing drugs.

Superman hummed in thought, weighing all the options, while Cyborg tried calculating the probability of Harley betraying Hazelle. The Kryptonian looked up at Shadow Fox and suggested they return to Gotham City, explaining that they could stop the Joker, track the black van, and rescue Batman. Everyone fell silent, confused by Superman's suggestion. Hazelle looked up at Clark with a puzzled expression and asked, "What?"

Just then, a beeping sound erupted from Hazelle's watch. She pressed a button, and a screen projector appeared, showing a red dot blinking. Hazelle jumped from her seat, causing it to spin away from her. "Shadow Fox?" Barry asked.

Hazelle was astonished to discover that Batman had secretly installed a tracker on himself. She turned to the computer and inserted her watch into the system. A map appeared, revealing that Batman was in the upper Coast City. Hazelle turned to the Justice League and exclaimed, "Batman!"

The members of the Justice League exchanged glances, their faces filled with shock and disbelief. Arthur clenched his fists, "We have to go there immediately." Victor nodded in agreement, "Yes, we have to save him before it's too late." Diana put a reassuring hand on Hazelle's shoulder, "We will bring him back, Hazelle. I promise." The team quickly made their way to the trucks, eager to reach Batman and bring him back to safety.

Clark reminds them to be cautious when they arrive in Coast City, as they have no idea what they are up against. Cyborg nods in agreement, stating that they need to be prepared for anything. The trucks hummed to life, and the team held tightly as Barry and Clark used their speed to push the vehicles. Their minds are filled with a mixture of fear and determination as they set out to save their friend and ally.

Shadow Fox was in the driver's seat with Wonder Woman and Green Arrow beside her. The Gotham vigilante was on the phone with Gordon, updating him on the latest news. "Harley wants to start anew, Gordon. I trust her completely," She said. On the other end of the line, Gordon sighed and replied, "She works with Joker, Shadow Fox. I cannot risk going after what she says."

Shadow Fox mentally rolled her eyes and responded, "Commissioner Gordon, do you remember the information I've given you over the past few months about certain crimes committed by the Joker? And do you remember how you managed to stop him? Well, that's because Harley has been giving me that information. She wants to start a new life. So, please, for the love of Gotham, trust me!"

Gordon went silent and muttered to someone in the background before returning to the phone, "Alright, Foxy. I want to hear this from Harley Quinn herself when this is over. If she confirms what you've told me, I'll consider giving her a chance to start anew and not go to Arkham." Shadow Fox felt relieved and said, "Thank you, Gordon." Shadow Fox knew that she had to convince Harley to talk to the Commissioner and set the record straight. She was determined to save Gotham and Batman, even if it meant taking a risk on someone as unpredictable as Harley Quinn. But that was no problem.

As Wonder Woman and Green Arrow look at Shadow Fox, Flash speeds through the streets, pushing the truck alongside Superman. Shadow Fox explains that she doesn't need to convince Harley to speak to the Commissioner because she has already been listening in on their conversation. Green Arrow asks if Harley will call back and let them know if she talked to the Commissioner. Shadow Fox nods and reassures him that she will.

Suddenly, her phone buzzes, and Harley Quinn's name appears on the screen. Shadow Fox picks up the phone and greets her. Harley sounds distressed and is breathing heavily. "Hazelle...," She says, her voice trembling. Shadow Fox's tone is comforting as she asks, "What's wrong, Harley? What happened?" Harley explained that she had spoken to Commissioner Gordon and confirmed Shadow Fox's claims about helping her. The Commissioner is giving her a chance to start fresh, which makes Harley overjoyed. Shadow Fox congratulates her on the good news, "That's perfect, Harley."

Harley laughs through her tears, "I can finally be free of Joker, Hazelle." She clears her throat and continues, "Oh, um, Scarecrow and Riddler called Joker earlier today. They're planning to head to Gateway City tonight, even though Joker was waiting until the full moon, but..."

"But?" Shadow Fox questions. Harley sucks in a deep breath, "The laughing drugs are complete. Batman will be taken back to Gotham in two days. Unless you and the Justice League are able to make it to Gateway City tonight." Shadow Fox nods and takes note of the new information. The situation is becoming even more dangerous, and they need to act quickly to protect Gotham City and save Batman. With a determined look, Shadow Fox turns to Wonder Woman and Green Arrow, "We need to come up with a plan."

Green Arrow's fingers move swiftly over his communicator as he contacts Superman, his tone urgent and concerned. He quickly relays the critical information they have received, informing Superman that they need to head to Gateway City immediately. Harley has contacted Shadow Fox, letting her know that Joker's laughing drugs have been completed and are ready to be used. Meanwhile, Riddler and Scarecrow are on the move with Batman and are set to arrive in Gateway City tonight. The situation is dire, and they must act fast to prevent further harm.

Superman responds with a low grunt, the weight of the news heavy on his mind. He knows that time is of the essence, and he quickly asks Flash if he can stay up all night to help them. Flash responds confidently, "Sure can!" The team is ready to do whatever it takes to stop the villains and protect the city.

Shadow Fox checks the tracker on her watch, her eyes glued to the screen as she watches the red dot move slowly across the map. She provides crucial updates on the villains' location, giving the team a clear picture of where they must go. Meanwhile, the rest of the team, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern, Cyborg, and Aquaman, are yelling in the truck that Superman is pushing at breakneck speeds. The roar of the wind drowns out the sound of their voices as they race towards Gateway City. Green Arrow grips his seat tightly, bracing himself for what's to come, as Flash follows closely behind.

Justice League: Batman's Missingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن