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As the days pass by, the situation at the Justice League Tower remains tense as Batman is still unconscious. Hazelle, determined to keep a watchful eye on her father's condition, instructs Dick, also known as Robin, to head back to Gotham and check on the city's safety. As the Titans - Raven, Starfire, and Beast Boy - bid farewell to Hazelle with a tight hug, she reminds them to stay safe and keep in touch.

Harley, who has been lending a helping hand to the League members, stays back at the Tower to assist them whenever she can. Initially hesitant to trust her, the Justice League members have gradually warmed up to Harley, realizing that she genuinely wants a fresh start. Impressed by her dedication and hard work, they offer her a position at the Tower to help them out.

As Hazelle keeps an eye on her father's condition, she notices that his breathing has become more stable, and his vital signs are improving. With every passing day, there is a glimmer of hope that Batman will wake up soon.

As the night wore on, the lights in the tower began to dim, casting a somber mood over the medical bay where Hazelle sat by her father's bedside. Her heart was heavy with worry, but her eyes were fixed on the steady rise and fall of Bruce's chest as J'onn carefully removed the oxygen mask and replaced it with breathing tubes through his nose.

Hazelle clasped her father's hand tightly, her thumb gently brushing over his knuckles as she whispered, "Please wake up." She wondered when he would finally stir from his deep slumber and whether he would be strong enough to resume his duties as Batman.

As she waited, Hazelle's mind raced with thoughts of Gotham and the many dangers it faced. She knew that her father's absence had left a void that no one could fill and that the city was more vulnerable than ever before.

But even in the midst of her worry, Hazelle remained hopeful. She leaned in closer to her father's ear, whispering softly as she updated him on the latest developments in Gotham. She told him how Joker had been captured and locked up in Arkham Asylum, how Harley Quinn had joined the Justice League Team, and how Robin and his Titans had destroyed Joker's laughing drugs.

Hazelle's voice was filled with pride as she recounted how Commissioner Gordon and the rest of Gotham had been saved from Joker's twisted plot. And even as Bruce remained unconscious, Hazelle knew that he would soon be back on his feet, ready to protect his beloved city once again.

The young woman, aged twenty-six, closed her eyes and was immediately transported to a vivid, lifelike image that seemed to come alive before her eyes. Her mind's eye conjured up a picture of Bruce Wayne, the billionaire playboy and masked vigilante, standing tall and proud at Wayne Mansion. With his strong arms wrapped around her and Dick's shoulders, Bruce's charismatic smile lit up his face, and the woman felt a sense of comfort and security in his embrace. The woman's senses were heightened as she imagined the scene. She could almost feel the warmth emanating from Bruce's chest as he held her.

Suddenly, Alfred, the loyal butler of the Wayne family, appeared in the scene. His face breaking into a warm and welcoming smile as he greeted his adopted son back home after a harrowing ordeal with the Joker. The woman could hear the sound of Batman's heart monitor beeping in the background, providing a rhythmic lullaby to her ears. The sound was soothing and comforting. She felt a sense of calm and peace wash over her as she held onto her father's hand tightly, feeling safe and protected in his presence.

The room where they were was bathed in a warm, golden light that seemed to envelop them in its embrace. She could smell the faint scent of freshly cut flowers and rich leather, which added to the ambiance of the scene. As she drifted off into a peaceful, dreamless state, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the love and support of her family. They had been through so much together, fighting against evil and injustice, but in that moment, all was right with the world. She knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she could face them with the strength and courage of her loved ones by her side.

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