Eye for an Eye

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Garra send sand quickly 'gun bullet!!' Mini balls of sand quickly went inside Madara. The man only smirked " a fin jutsu. But it's not strong to ......." He blinked and saw himself not able to move well."I see..." He smirked ' he made the sand particles go inside my body to stop me...well played...'

"How did he change. " the raccoon beast asked seeing. Naruto had wide eyes remembering 'Tch....' The tailed beast lunched to him again.

Madara looked at his arm seeing the bullet like wounds gushing blood out slowly. He smirked licking the blood " I forgot how it felt to have pain..the taste of blood.... I'm so excited !"


_(n)_ walked a bit closer watching. She looked at the tailed beast then at Madara " he resembles him quite well." She looked at the moon her skin began to get pale. She quickly looked back seeing the beasts being smacked to the floor " Dara you have quite a power now"

Madara let out a sigh seeing the tail beast being chained " now they're on their leashes. I thought I told you to stay back." " I got bored." "Hmp." Madara looked at her glaring a bit. _(n)_ smiled at him blushing.

" I won't let you take kurama !!!"Naruto yelled angrily.

"That boy is so persistent." _(n)_ blinked while sitting down. "Mm." Madara smirked a bit glaring. Naruto was seen flying down closing his eyes. The nine tails was taken off him completely .

A gasp came out Madara as he moved out the way. _(n)_ had wide eyes seeing a kunai close to stabbing her . They both glared and looked back.
Tobirama glared trying to kill them. Madara pushed him back while he pulled _(n)_ in back of him. Black long tubs came out from his wrists trapping the albino on the floor.

"Like always you take advantage of your opponents." Madara looked down at him . " such stupidity." Tobirama glared at him. _(n)_ peeked seeing him "ne, you need some moisturizer ~" the albino could feel his eye twitch ' she's still annoying as ever...'

" I'll actually be enjoying this." Madara glared and broke a tub off his wrist throwing it on to tobiramas head "you....you killed Izuna and mana." "Nothing you do will fix things. I'm simply a walking corps." Tobirama glared at them._(n)_ walked and kneeled in front of him she brought up a kunai glaring. Tobirama looked at her, he puffed his cheeks quickly spitting out a flame like substance .

"What the heck!!!" _(n)_ stumbled back while Madara covered her getting the thing on his arm "hmp." He stood up " this world is full of stupid people."

Sasuke jumped down sais ink bird 'this is it !!!'

Madara turned glaring making him stop on mid air. _(n)_ turned fast twitching 'well!! I see he is quite ..strong...'

"Seriously. I let you live and this is what you do." Madara sigh cracking his neck while getting his sword.

"Madara...?"_(n)_ stood up quickly seeing.

" you have to sacrifice one to protect an other."

"Don't do it Madara this will just-" Tobirama glared seeing.

"Be my close friend, sibling, or child." Madara smirked stabbing sasuke on his chest. _(n)_ eyes widen seeing '..ma.......na.........' Sasuke coughed out blood and looked at her with a painful expression. The same expression the child made when the poison took him fully .

"I gave you more then enough time. Such a pity." Madara glared at him. Sasuke moved his eyes to him' Tch. I won't die here...'

The man soon walked off letting the young uchihas body slam on the floor.

_(n)_ stood with wide eyes looking at the dying teen in the floor.

Madara jumped standing on top of the juubis head he turned to her "_(n)_." The woman twitched and looked at Madara , he beckoned for her to go with him as he turned to look at the fight.

_(n)_ sigh walking slowly . "_(n)_." Tobirama looked at her "what." She looked at him glaring " you know...you saw it." The man looked at her in the eyes " Madara is no longer the man you knew." A small laugh escaped her lips as she turned " yeah...but I'm a girl. The way our minds work is different then you boys." Tobirama smirked a bit " you seemed oddly confident. Your hiding a great deal of chakra . I can sense it. Might as well let it out." _(n)_ looked at him glaring " how do you know...." "You where always easy to read. Goddess." The woman turned while her hair began to wash out its black color making it turn white " hmp. I guess you weren't as stupid as I thought. How did you knew who I was ?" " you have the many characters the scrolls say." _(n)_ smirked slowly as she vanished quickly.

Madara did a hand sigh looking straight. He began to absorbed the ten tails along with the rest.

A large amount of smoke came making many turn towards it .

Long white hair was seen moving on the wind.


Not really a funny chapter... (⌒-⌒; ) sorry....this chapter on the manga was quite serious and I couldn't make jokes to put in it, but the next one will have the comedy genre again!

Kuro-Tama ( Madara Uchiha X half Uchiha Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ