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Tae is waiting for Kooki while sitting in bed as Kooki is taking so much time" baby when you are ready we are getting late every one waiting for it" Tae said .

" Yes I'm just in 2 minutes " jungkook said. From wardrobe .

Tae sigh and again busy on mobile when Kooki comes" yeah let's go I'm ready" jungkook said while wearing his earrings.

Tae stares at Kooki from top to toe and fist his jaw is angry " Baby you're are wearing this go and change " Tae said  while control his angry .

" Why what happened to it , I'm not looking good" Kooki asked with pout.

" Baby you are looking damn sexy so you are only allowed to wear in front of me" Tae said .

" No I'm wearing this and what happened to you , you never stop me for wearing a dress " Kooki asked.

" Yes I allow you but look at this dress your breasts are showing and even your both thighs , I allow you ,but if remember not this much reveling now be a good boy and change" Tae said.

" No I'm not change it I specially brought for this event " Kooki said with pout and glare eye which making him cute .

Tae threw his mobile and held Kookie's waist tightly Kooki got flinched" Jungkook doesn't make me angry and changed" Tae said with a clucking jaw .

" But.. " Kooki said .

" I SAID NOW BEFORE I MAKE YOU"  Tae said with a roar .

Kookie got scared and went to change .

" Always try to be a tiger I will teach you a good lesson , I make sure it" Kooki said with a pout and teary eye .

" By the way he is saying right , it's showing too much , I even said jimin Hyung" Kooki said and changed his dress .

Now both are in the party everyone is coo at the couple which is a powerful couple of Korea.
While our whipped Tae is stare at his beauty who is busy ignoring him as his shout him .

So this is a venue :

Tae outfit and look:

Kookie look:

Kookie outfit ( choose your like bcz both are so beautiful so I  can't choose):

Eul outfit :

Eul look:

Han outfit fit:

Han look:

" Kookie what happened why are you been moody" Jimin said .

"Nothing Hyung just Tae shouts at me , he can say Polity also" Kooki said with dos eye .

" Why did you do that a whipped tiger shouted at his meal" Jin said .

Kookie becomes shy " Hyung doesn't tease .E I'm already angry" Kooki said with pout.

" Okay okay now tell us what happened" Jimin asked.

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