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Just like that 2 weeks went with no communication between Kookie and Tae . This things cause a stress to Kookie .

Kim Mansion :

Kookie is cooking with Hyungs and talking with them but everyone  knows it's a fake smile.

" Kookie are you okay , why are you looking pale and weak " Jin said .

"Nothing hyung why are you asking " Kookie said avoiding his eyes contact.

"Yes Jin Hyung I also noticed that there is something off so Kookie tells us what happened hmm you can believe us"Jimin said while touching Kookie hair .(If I forgot to tell you guys Jin  is 7 months pregnant and Jimin didn't leave with Kookie and Tae , they just come to me as Tae like privacy).

That's it from Kookie , Kookie lips start wobbly and his start crying loudly hugging Jimin Hyung cuz he can't hug Jin cuz of pregnancy.

Seeing Kookie crying both Jin and Jimin eyes wide they immediately turn off the stove and take Kookie to the living room the whole time  Kookie is crying ( My baby) .

Jimin tries  to pull Kookie but Kookie hugs him more  this makes them more worried.don't why Kookie is feeling so sensitive.

They let him cry after half an hour Kookie sniff is coming whole time Jin cressed Kookie hair .

" Now tell us what is matter " Jin asked after Kookie calm little bit .

Hearing that again Kookie lips wobble. " No no baby no tell Hyung hmm Hyung is with you" Jin said .

Then Kookie tells everything with hiccups and sobbing . Kookie's  full face is red with crying and lips are sollow lips, red puffy eye.Hearing this Jin and Jimin get angry on Tae  but they can't believe Jennie can do this but again Kookie never lies .

Jimin and Jin look at each other first cuz Kookie takes Jennie's name then they will be something.

They thought let first they talk to Tae cuz , Tae is at fault even if Jennie is right or wrong but at least Tae should handle the situation  . If there any misunderstanding between Kookie and Jennie. But they also no Kookie is talking Jennie name then there is really some reason. 

" Listen Kookie first keep quiet hmm , it's not essay to believe Jennie do this but if you are saying her name something is wrong hmm , now try to control yourself hmm . I will asked jooni to confirm that hmm I'd not like we not believe you but it's is not easy to us believe but we believe you " Jin said caressing Kookie cheeks .

"We will talk to Tae "Jimin also

Kookie Sigh but keeps quiet and nods his head he can't understand why it's hard to believe Jennie do this . This makes Kookie angry he was about to get up but he but to faint Jimin immediately held Kookie .

"Kookie baby are you okay "Jin said worried Kookie nods but he run to washroom hold his mouth . Jin and Jimin wide their eyes and also  run behind Kookie  and see Kookie is vmoting his heart out . Jimin crassed behind Kookie and after vmoting Jin and Jimin held Kookie wash his face but Jin and Jimin screamed when Kookie get unconscious . Jin immediately held Kookie before he fall down . Jimin and Jin immediately take Kookie hospital.

Now Jin was sitting  and Jimin is walking nervously outside the room where doctor is checking Kookie . Jin and Jimin is so scared for Kookie and also fromtae angry . Cuz Tae call them to take care of Kookie is absent . He is angry with Kookie but dose not means he didn't care for Kookie . He call jimin and Jin to stay with Kookie cuz he is not home nowdays . Jin and Jimin knows already there is something wrong between  Taekook . Otherwise why Tae call them to take care Kookie .

In these days Tae noticed Kookie is getting weak and pale . He just want to hug Kookie but now he is angry on Kookie that's why he not talk to Kookie but he order every servant to not lat Kookie work . He is also worried for Kookie weakness . At night when Kookie sleep Tae always held Kookie hand crassed them , kiss them  and with Kookie  and complain to Kookie . He is angry at Kookie to not talking to him. But he worried for Kookie so he tells jin and jimin to take care of him and if something happened to Kookie then they will died.

There when Tae come more like running to them with blank face and emotional eye. While jhope , Suga and rm are also running behind Tae . Cuz they are also worried for Kookie cuz he is their Baby brother.

" What happened to him" Tae said in his deep Husky voice. Shiver Run to Jimin and Jim's body . They gulped and told about and also the doctor was still checking him .

Tae POV:

I was in my headquarters , doing my work or say missing someone . Yes he is missing he baby koo, but he is ignoring him cuz he is angry on him . I am also worried for Kookie cuz nowadays Kookie is looking so pale and weak so I called Jin Hyung and Jimin(I  respect both of them but never showed to them and Jin Hyung is 7 months pregnant so that's  why I  so jimin to take care Kookie cuz jin can't take care of him )and said them or I  warned them to take care of Kookie . They tell me not to worry .

  then I got  a call from Jimin Hyung I attended the call but my heart stopped when jimin said with a shaking  voice " Tae Kookie got unconscious we were taking him to hospital please come fast"   listen this I immediately drive to Kookie while pray for him."

( End Pov)

I was waiting for the doctor  to come out when the doctor . I  said " what happened to him . Is he alright" in his deep Husky voice , the doctor gulped his throat and said " who is the husband of him" .

" Me now tell me what happened to him" Tae said more like screamed.

" He is 3 weeks pregnant" the doctor said .

Everyone froze in their place but smiled soon " Are serious" Tae said.

" Yes sir congratulations you are going to father " doctor said and v immediately hugged him and thank you so much" .

If someone see this that Mafia king is smile like and saying thank you to doctor he will died in shock .

" When can we meet him" Tae said .

" Let us take here some tests after that you and meet him and he is still unconscious and come to my room for his pergrancey take care " doctor said went away from their .

" Congratulations Tae " rm said and Hyung him .

" Thank you Hyung " Tae said with teary smile and and everyone congratulations Tae . Everyone is happy for taekook.


Now what will be reactions of Kookie?

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Saranghae 💜💜💜

❌ English is not my first language.
❌ I hope you guys like this chapter.
❌ Sorry for any mistake.

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