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Morning Kookie woke up by  eul and han who are kissing his cheeks to wake him .

Kookie smiled and opened his eyes to looked them and said "Good morning my babies".

" Gowd mornwning  mama " both screamed  and  then gagged and run away when they saw their mama got scared.

"Come here you naughty babies". Kookie said while running after them .

"O jungkook you got up , Good morning ,are you okay now"sohyuk said while making breakfast.

"Yes Hyung I'm okay I just got panic but don't worried I KNOW I have to fight for my babies"jungkook said with blank face.

"Ohh jungkook and I make sure of it" he said with dark smirked . But immediately smile when he saw Kookie is looking at him.

Kookie again looked his Hyung and he found something weird and he noticed it  when Evey he talked about Tae he speak something like this , Kookie always ignored it but today he feels sacred.

Kim Mansion:

"V that's right jungkook came back from the USA two days before and he was living there with his czn Lee Sohyuk and he" jhope said nervously

" What Hyung " V said with a straight face.
" He is ... Engged with sohyuk but his parents forced him to engage him" jhope said And looked V for reaction.

V got stunned from this and but he didn't say anything and Said" and about my babies did he " with serious.

"I not confirmed about that V but in 2 days I tell you about that"jhope said with sigh.

"Hmm I want alone time you can go now"V said .

After jhope went away Tae stood there for minutes and said " you did wrong jungkook , Frist I want you but now you will be punished for giving my right to that baster . Now ready to face me my beautiful wife KIM JUNGKOOK ".


" You again here" jack said .

"Yes  do you have any problem"Jennie said while rolling his eyes .

"No but I thought something again happed"jack said .

" can you leave " Jennie said with irritately.

"O I think he got your secret "jack Said with teasing smile .

"What secret "Jennie said .

"That you make his husband leave and even tried to kill him "jack said .

Jennie immediately looked at him shockedly and scaredly .

" Don't look at me that like you your self tell me when you are drunk " Jack said .

" Can you shut up" Jennie said trying best to not panic.

" You better speak before thing cuz I know your secret and by your reaction I'm sure it's important for you" jack said .

Jennie cursed herself and said "what you want ".

"Hmm that's I appreciate "jack said with smirked.

"Sleep with me and I know it's not first time your sleeping with someone , it's true right "jack said with teasing smirked .

Jennie cursed him and said "why not daddy".

Jack smirk evily and stopped the recording.

Lee company :

"Kookie Mr Min want you to design this project" sohyuk said .

"Sure but as Kim has authored over  Asian you have to work in Kim company till project completed and you knows it's important for our company otherwise I will accept this"sohyuk said .

( Yes sohyuk try best that Kooki not work there but as his company at lost and Kim have power over Asian he have to and he can't say no to money also as he is greedy person).

"It's okay Hyung I will handle everything "Kookie gives a tight smile.

Kim company :

" Sir your work is done and Jungkook sir will  be worked here till project ended " Jackson said .

" Hmm well done now I see who you ran away from me jungkook " V said with reed shoot eyes.

Then only Jennie burst in without knocking at door.

" What is this behaviour Jennie" V screamed at her.

"Jennie got embarrassed and said "what happened Tae I always come like that" .

" It's dose not means you will do every time , learn to respect and stop Tae Tae me I'm your boss so called me sir "V said Angryly . Jackson standing there while looking down stairs.

Jennie clucked his fist while angry  tears fell from her eyes and said "Sorry sir it's will not happen again".

"Hmm that's good now tell me why are you here "V said .

" V .. sir you have meetings in 10 mints " Jennie said .

" Hmm go and ready for meeting I will be there in minute" V said .

Meeting room:

" Where is everyone Mr  Min" Tae said with blank face .

"Hmm sir he was on his way" Mr Min said sacredly.

"Sorry sir I get late "Jungkook brust in room .

Jennie got freeze on her place and immediately looked at Tae . Who is looking at jungkook  with smirk .

Kookie outfit:

Kookie looked:

Taehyung smirk:

"Well Mr Kim jungkook it's not you office where you can come when you want "Tae said with dirty smirked.

Kookie want to slapped his smirked but he controls and said "Sir I'm sorry but I only one minute late and I'm apology for that and myself Jeon jungkook not Kim "Kookie sassy back .

Tae smirk and said "Mr Kim sorry Jeon I accept your apology for know only and now come and sit" .

Kookie rolls his eyes and mamme " fucker.

And Tae said to himself"fierce bunny butine bunny ". But they didn't notice  Jennie was looking at everything with Buring eyes.

After meeting :

Jennie ran to bathroom and looked at herself in mirror and said " 4 year fucking four year Tae you still not forget him , why why what have him and not me hah , why he not die that day that fucker sohyuk  save him why  aaaa aAaaa , Tae why you not see my love for you hmm , why you still love him , now that bitch come , jungkook you  will die my hand . I will make Tae my in front of your eye even though I have to kill you and that sohyuk also "Jennie screamed she broke the mirror And after calming down .

She call "Are you free"Jennie said.

"O wow Jennie herself call is you get that much pleasure that you  call me " Jack said.

" Please can you answer me "Jennie said.

"Jennie is saying please to me then matter is serious and yes I'm free " jack said with smirk .


I'm sorry for late update 💜
I don't think you guys liking the story  cuz my votes and views are so low.

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