"Come off that, you are just saying this because you blame her for your failed marriage."

"Coming from someone whose wife ran away with another man, leaving there two months baby in his arms." Aunty Monica said while she bursts into laughter.

That statement stung. It dawned on me that my mother never loved me—even when she did leave me, I was still a baby.

"I sincerely hope it will not be too late when you realize your son is the issue. Look, Monica, the last thing I want is for this to drive a wedge between us because it might have an impact on our business. We are the power couple, and I would want it to continue that way."

Daddy said, I noticed that he seemed unaffected by the remark regarding my mother.

"Treat my son differently."

"Your son, your son, your son. Can I have a break? Look, you and I know your son has a serious problem."

"That does not mean you should treat him as trash." Her voice cracked.

"Moni, I understand, trust me I try my best, but he doesn't make it easy. That boy gets on my nerves at the slightest opportunity. He should be disciplined.

"Give him a chance, he is still a child."

"A child? You call 18 a child? What kind of man are you raising if you continue to tolerate his excesses? A tout or threath to other people. Call a spade a spade."

"It's all my fault Rashidi, maybe I shouldn't have left, I am a bad mother."

"Monica, you are an amazing woman; you are anything but a bad mother; it was never your fault; Ansah had the audacity to not only sleep with your maid, but to bring her into your matrimonial bed; he also made it impossible to obtain custody by framing you, labeling you an addict, and nearly destroying your career." ANSAH is the bastard who went wrong in his upbringing, exposed that child to harm, and when he could not handle him any longer, he tossed him back to you...,"

"You also refuse to believe that my child did not do it."

Aunt Monica's voice was filled with pain. Till the day I die, I will curse the woman who ruined my Roman life. He has tried, but the nightmares and trauma persist. I do not think he is over it, no matter how much he tries to deny it.


It was enough, I couldn't handle hearing more, as I knew what was next. Roman didn't do it, he was just a child deprived of having his mother at such young age, exposed to such situation, and betrayed by those whom where supposed to be he protector and caregivers. He was the victim in all this, Dad should stop treating him like he was the culprit.

I just found out I had a wrong impression about Monica, never thought she cared about her child. She always acted so nonchalant.

.                         _____________________🖊️

   I walked into his room exactly the way he always did. I didn't knock, the last thing I wanted was drawing attention to us, especially after hearing the conversation between my Dad and his wife.

Roman laid carelessly on his bed, while he did whatever on his laptop. Alot of things were out of place in his bedroom. His clothes and books were all over the place. Once he noticed he wasn't alone, he threw a quick glance at me, then back to whatever it was that had his full attention.

I going a spot and sat down. The next minutes felt like enternity. We didn't say a word to each other. I wasn't with my phone, so it made the atmosphere worse. Maybe if I had it, I would have pretended to be busy or something.

 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 (𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒)Where stories live. Discover now