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Reedtail stayed close to his littermates, Amberdawn and Rabbitleap, as they ventured toward the Gathering island

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Reedtail stayed close to his littermates, Amberdawn and Rabbitleap, as they ventured toward the Gathering island. Amberdawn's kits had been made apprentice not too long ago, so she was back to being a warrior.

Something was different about the Clan cats, especially FrostClan and ThunderClan. Something must have happened over the past moon, but she couldn't possibly begin to imagine what. FrostClan always came with some troubling news, but ThunderClan never came with bad news. At least, not that Reedtail knew of.

Amberdawn was the first to speak when they got to the island. "Hey, I don't see Mousepaw anywhere. I was going to ask her how things were going. I haven't seen her in a while. Oh!" She turned around to face Reedtail and Rabbitleap. "Have you two met her before?"

"No," Reedtail and Rabbitleap responded in unison. Wasn't Mousepaw Mousetail now? Reedtail couldn't blame Amberdawn, though; she had been busy with her kits.

"She's so nice! You guys she definitely talk to her next time you see her. She and Skypaw were really good friends then. I hope they still are. I hope she comes soon." Amberdawn's eyes glistened with wistfulness. "Ooh! What if that's why she's not here? She had-or is expecting-kits?"

It's not our business, Reedtail wanted to say. "That's great!" he meowed instead. "I hope so."

"Um, guys?" Rabbitleap muttered beside Reedtail.

Reedtail resisted the urge to roll his eyes at his brother's nervous tone. "Oh, StarClan, Rabbitleap. What is it?"

"Don't either of you realize how weird it feels around here? Look, the other Clans are staying with each other, not like a normal Gathering. And it's quiet."

"That's just because WindClan isn't here yet," Reedtail pointed out. "I bet a moon of dawn patrols that you're just nervous. Like always."

"Excuse me?" Rabbitleap demanded. "I'm not nervous! Well, okay, maybe I am. But really! Look around."

Reedtail and Amberdawn exchanged quick glances before looking around the island. Sure enough, the cats were barely mingling with each other. And it was quiet. Reedtail felt awkward all of a sudden. "Yeah, that's really weird. I hope WindClan gets here soon. Creamfrost, Hollypool, and Swallowpaw always break the awkwardness."

"Sure." Rabbitleap muttered at the same time as the WindClan cats began to enter the island from the fallen tree. "Oh, look. They're here."

Reedtail nudged Rabbitleap good-humoredly. "Act a little more enthusiastic! Now that WindClan's here, we can start."

Then Fallenstar's yowl came from the Great Oak. "Let the Gathering commence!"

At the elderly tom's yowl, the cats began to gather. The silence felt like ants crawling in Reedtail's fur. He looked up at his leader, trying to ignore the uncomfortable silence around him. He felt Amberdawn press herself against him in an attempt to comfort him.

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 #3: 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐭Where stories live. Discover now