
413 42 48

^who do you think he is? which character?

A- Kaiden

B- Rayan

C- Oliver

Hi dears!

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It was Friday, just two days before school started. Miray was feeling increasingly nervous with each passing day. 

She was relieved that the issue with Jasmine had been resolved, and everyone seemed to be happy again.

At 4 p.m., Miray found herself lying in bed, feeling inexplicably tired. Well, perhaps not entirely inexplicable, as she had accompanied the boys to the basketball court earlier. Even though she didn't play herself, she felt worn out. 

The exertion of being out and about had left her feeling a bit drained, and after a warm shower, she had succumbed to the temptation of a nap.

Nevertheless, despite the tiredness, she felt happy she went. This time, Rayan didn't listen to her and stuck with her, which she liked a lot. Miray noticed the usual quiet Rayan was more open with her, which she appreciated.

As she sighed and stretched, she felt the ache in her muscles, a reminder of her lack of exercise. 

Shifting on the bed, she maneuvered until her head hung off the edge, her body still resting on the mattress. 

It was a weird position, but it gave relief to her shoulders and allowed the blood to rush to her head, easing the small headache that had been bothering her.

Her door knocked, and she responded with a muffled "Yes" without altering her position. Noah entered, his eyebrows furrowing in a mixture of confusion and amusement.

"What are you doing?" he asked, stepping further into the room.

Miray shrugged nonchalantly. "Just stretching and trying to get the blood flowing to my head. It always feels like it gets stuck somewhere in the middle and needs a little nudge," she explained with a light chuckle, and Noah smiled, though there was a note of sadness in his eyes.

Miray disliked seeing him like that, so she reached out to take his hands, signaling for him to help her stand. Noah obliged, pulling her up and steadying her when she swayed slightly.

"Whoa there," Miray quipped, shaking her body in a comical imitation of an Indian dance.

Noah's smile returned, and he regarded her with playful amusement. "You've turned Indian on us?" he teased, addressing her dance moves.

"Well, I've got the hair, so might as well embrace the culture," Miray replied, wiggling her fingers in an exaggerated Indian dance move, her grin widening as Noah burst into laughter, the sound of his joyous chuckles filling the room and warming her heart.

She liked when Noah laughed, and she couldn't resist joining in, her own giggles mingling with his. 

With a mischievous sparkle in her eyes, she reached for her phone and quickly typed in the name of an Indian song. Within seconds, the lively beats filled the room, adding to the infectious vibes between them.

"Come on, Nai! Let's dance!" she exclaimed, her voice bubbling with excitement as she started dancing and pulling at Noah's hands.

With a chuckle, Noah allowed himself to be pulled into the crazy dance, matching Miray's movements with his own funny ones as he swayed with the beat.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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