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A/N: Happy Monday!! Depending where you are, it might be Tuesday for you and in that case, happy Tuesday!! I'm posting this about an hour early. If there's one thing that you should know about me, it's that I love sleeping. Where I live, I usually post my chapters around 9pm for my time (which is eastern standard time)

However, I've been attempting to go to bed early and yes, that means before nine at night because I love sleeping and I get up super early multiple times a week. So from now on, all my chapters will be posted around 8pm. You get them an hour early from now. Enjoy!! <3

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Her eyes glittered like two small jades. In Woo's Wisteria's, Cynthia's face lit up with her hand in Seungmin's. He watched her take in the bundles and bouquets of different kinds of flowers. There was awe in her eyes as she looked around.

"What do you think?" Seungmin asked.

"I love this place! It smells good and it's beautiful. Look at all of them!" Her arm gestured throughout the open room. "This is amazing!"

Ki-woo's flower shop looked the same as it always had. Metal buckets remained lined along the walls full of water and bursting floral arrangements. Their immaculate beauty captivated people's attention the moment they walked in. It was hard to focus on anything else.

The glass door had been propped open with a large cement brick. The soft breeze from outside trickled in and brushed against some of the flowers toward the front of the store. Cynthia couldn't stop looking around. It was so bright and beautiful, yet there was a gleam of familiarity, somehow. Like there was something she was supposed to remember, but her brain wasn't connecting the dots just yet.

Seungmin pulled out his phone and pulled up his photo gallery. After finding a photo of Cynthia, he held it up to her. "Do you remember this?"

When Cynthia saw the photo, she froze. She was sitting at a table and holding a bouquet of various colored flowers. White clouds layered beneath her in the distance. The sun lit up her face and she looked happy. Her head tilted and her eyes narrowed while trying to remember.

Curtain rings swept against a wooden rod. Seungmin glanced up and smiled when Ki-woo stepped out from behind the back room. The noise captured Cynthia's attention and she turned around. The moment she saw Ki-woo heading towards them, it hit.

He walked forward and pressed the golden-rimmed glasses up on his nose. "Oh, how much I've missed the two of you being together. I don't thi-"

He was cut off by Cynthia rushing towards him. He let out a squeak of shock when her arms squeezed his rib cage. The thin row of marrowed-ribs pressed against her forearms, but she didn't mind.

"Easy there, kiddo. You're going to knock me over. You know I'm not young anymore, but I've missed you too." His arms wrapped back around her body.

The past conversation had broken through the dam of amnesia. The conversation the pair had when Cynthia rediscovered the flower shop by accident on a sunny day. He sent her on her way with a bouquet of flowers and directions for how to take care of them. It was hard to believe she remembered such a small moment.

Seungmin watched the two interact. Ki-woo's arms hung around her body and he let out a sigh of relief. His eyes closed and Seungmin already knew he was silently reciting a prayer. He found out months ago that Ki-woo used to have a wife and his own daughter that was around Cynthia's age. The two of them tragically perished in a car accident.

It wasn't a surprise that the two connected in such a deep way. Ki-woo lost his wife and daughter to a car accident. Cynthia lost her parents in a car accident. Seungmin couldn't imagine what it was like for Ki-woo to find out that Cynthia was in a car accident with brain trauma. It must have ripped open old wounds.

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