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A/N: Happy Friday!! Did you guys watch Hyunjin's video for W Korea? (If you didn't you can watch it here: Something really special happened in that video around four minutes and twenty seconds in. He answered the question I asked. (Curse Google translate for translating my nickname from English to Korean wrong, but a win is a win) In honor of that, happy four chapter drop <3

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"Cynthia! Cynthia! Cynthia, wake up!" Flora's song-sing voice knocked her out of her dream. She shook her shoulder and stepped back waiting for Cynthia to stir.

Cynthia's eyes half-opened. She groaned, shifted, and shut her eyes again. A fluffy pillow was beneath her head. She moved her head, jerked the pillow up, and shoved it over her face. Flora chuckled and pulled the pillow away.

"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty. You have to get up and help me finish packing the last of our stuff. Our flight leaves in the middle of the night and then we'll have hours to sleep on the plane. Come on, wake up!" She threw the pillow and slammed it into Cynthia's stomach. Cynthia's eyes reopened and she glared up at Flora.

And suddenly she was drowning in Flora's ocean blue eyes and unable to speak. Her vocal chords froze and her brain went into overdrive. Her lungs twisted and refused to let her catch a lungful of oxygen.

"Cynthia?" Flora pulled the door open to her apartment and stepped aside. "Why are you here? I mean, I'm glad you're here, but what's the occasion? You usually text me before you show up."

"We need to talk about something. I saw something the other day and I-" A frown fell across Cynthia's face. "I-I can't ignore this anymore. I won't be here any longer than I have to be, but it's important."

"Oh?" Flora gestured to the couch. "What is it?" She stepped over and sat on one of the leather cushions. "Is something wrong? Did something happen between you and Seungmin?"

There was the mention of Seungmin again. Flora had a grudge against him since the pair started to date. Cynthia shook her head and pressed her lavender painted nails into her palms. "Seungmin and I are fine, but there's something...wrong."

"Oh? Do you think he's cheating on you? You know, that does happen a lot in the idol world. Idols are so busy and they meet a lot of people. Some of those people are beautiful and sometimes alcohol and drugs get involved and the-"

"No, Seungmin isn't cheating on me."

"You don't know that. Obviously, he couldn't tell you about that. There's still always a chance that h-"

"Flora!" There was an edge to Cynthia's voice.

Flora shifted and ducked her head. "I got it, I got it, he's not cheating." Her hands collapsed together and she placed them on her lap. "So if that's not the issue, what is?"

"The sasaengs have been finding us more than usual. No matter what we do, it's getting hard to lose them. They keep ruining our dates."

Flora clicked her tongue a few times. "I don't know what you want me to say to that. I told you that dating an idol came with a lot of cons. If you don't want your privacy invaded, you should break up with him."

"This has nothing to do with Seungmin."

"I think yo-"

"And it has everything to do with you."

"What?" Flora's head snapped up. It was so quick that Cynthia almost missed it. The look of fear was there and then it wavered into anger. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

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