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After lecturing Lee Know, Seungmin turned back around. He was expecting to see Cynthia, but she was gone. He glanced around the living room, but she was still missing. A dart of worry struck his heart and panic began to build up. His frantic eyes searched desperately until he caught a glimpse of her in the hallway with I.N.

He was showing her a room and explaining things. She watched him and nodded here and there. When she took a bite of brownie, Seungmin let out a soft sigh of relief. At least, she was comfortable enough that she was eating.

After she collapsed earlier, he was concerned about her eating habits. She was a bit slimmer than when he last saw her and it worried him. If Flora had been starving Cynthia, he wasn't sure what he'd do. She insisted that it was just a flashback and she was alright, but he was still worried about it.

He trusted I.N and he knew that the younger man wouldn't hurt Cynthia. It was nice knowing that she was back where she'd be protected. The guys were all loyal to one another, even during the occasional fights and arguments, they wouldn't harm Cynthia. It made him feel a lot better about the situation.

Out of the corner of his eye, he watched Felix push the plate of brownies towards Lee Know. When Seungmin glanced over, Lee Know's eyes were practically sparkling as he grabbed a brownie and took a huge bite out of it. Felix pushed the tower of brownies towards Seungmin, but he shook his head.

Felix frowned, "you don't want one?"

Seungmin shook his head again. "Not right at the moment. I need to call Chan or Hyunjin and see if they got the situation back at the apartment complex figured out."

"Is that why they're missing?"

"Yeah, it's a bit of a uh...situation?"

"Please tell me that I don't have to bail Hyunjin out of jail," Lee Know interrupted. "I think we should leave him there for like a day, so h-"

"As far as I know, no. Hyunjin isn't the one that would need to be bailed out. Chan is there and I trust that Chan will keep him on a tight leash. If anyone needs to be bailed out, it's Flora."

Lee Know and Felix shared an equally worried look before Seungmin continued. "When we got on the floor to try and rescue Cynthia, Flora was beating the shit out of a stranger. I don't know the woman, but sh-"

The front door to the place suddenly swung open with a frantic Hyunjin and a lecturing Chan behind him. Seungmin raised an eyebrow at the pair, confused by their sudden unannounced entry. Chan was in the process of telling Hyunjin to calm down before Hyunjin's eyes found Seungmin's.

"Where is she?"


"She's right here," I.N called out. He led Cynthia from the hallway back to the living room. Behind him, Cynthia was wiping her hands on her napkin. She just finished consuming her brownie.

"Cynthia!" Hyunjin cried out.

Seungmin's heart began to ache at the sight of the two. Tears began to fill Cynthia's eyes at the sight of him. Seungmin never realized how much of an impact she had on the other guys. Hyunjin rushed towards her and threw her into a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry for everything. I shouldn't have left you there alone with her that night when you told me she was ignoring you. I should have dragged you away from her and brought you here. I'm so, so, so, sorry."

Hyunjin's arms wrapped around her tighter. Cynthia was like the sister that he never had. Growing up had been lonely at times. Since he was close to Seungmin, it wasn't much of a surprise that Cynthia was first introduced to Hyunjin after Seungmin started to date her.

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