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Under the cloak of darkness, Izuku Midoriya roamed the desolate streets, clad in tattered garments that offered little warmth against the chill of the night. His frail form bore the scars of neglect, a testament to the cruelty inflicted upon him by parents who recoiled at his vampiric "Quirk."

With each weary step, Izuku carried the weight of his suffering, memories of his parents' disdain haunting him like shadows. They had subjected him to agonizing torment, forcing him to endure the searing rays of the sun and withholding the sustenance his body craved.

{2 Years Ago}

In the quiet suburbs where the streetlights cast long shadows, young Izuku Midoriya lived a life that, for the most part, mirrored that of any other four-year-old. He played with his toys, laughed with his parents, and dreamed of adventures yet to come. But beneath the veneer of normalcy lay a truth that would shatter his innocence and forever change the course of his existence.

It was a crisp autumn day when Izuku's world was turned upside down. News of individuals with superhuman abilities, dubbed "Quirks," had been circulating for some time, but it wasn't until Izuku's fifth birthday that the truth of his own extraordinary nature was revealed.


It was a clear spring night in Musutafu and Izuku was rather restless. Ever since his birthday he's been finding it harder and harder to fall asleep at night. His parents took him to see a doctor and was diagnosed as an insomniac. But eventually it got to the point that he could stay awake all night as it where day but in the morning he would be fast asleep.

Today, Izuku and his mother, Inko where at the clinic to get to the bottom of his insomniac. Inko was watching her son being examined by the doctor.

Inko: =He has been acting strange. His eating habits have changed and he gains sunburns easily.=

Doctor: "Mrs. Midoriya, I understand this might come as a shock to you, but your son possesses what we call a 'Quirk.' Quirks are superhuman abilities that have been appearing in individuals all over the world. It's a phenomenon that's been on the rise in recent years."

Inko's eyes widened in disbelief, her mind struggling to comprehend the gravity of the doctor's words.

Inko: "A Quirk? But... how is that possible? Izuku is just a child."

Doctor: "I understand your concern, Mrs. Midoriya. But Quirks don't discriminate based on age. They can manifest in anyone, regardless of their background or circumstances."

As the doctor spoke, he carefully explained the nature of Quirks and their impact on society. He spoke of heroes and villains, of ordinary people with extraordinary abilities, and of the challenges they faced in a world that was still learning to adapt to this new reality.

Doctor: "Now, as for Izuku's Quirk, it appears to be quite unique. It's appears to be a vampire quirk, granting him a Vampiric Physiology. This means that he may exhibit traits commonly associated with vampires, such as heightened senses, increased physical capabilities, and a need for sustenance that may include blood."

Inko's shock slowly gave way to pure disgust, her stomach churning at the thought of her son being anything other than normal.

Inko: "Vampire... Quirk? This is... this is unthinkable. My son... a monster?"

The doctor's expression softened, sympathy evident in his eyes as he handed Inko a couple of blood bags.

Doctor: "I understand this is a lot to take in, Mrs. Midoriya. But please remember that Izuku is still your son, regardless of his Quirk. He needs your love and support now more than ever."

With a heavy heart, Inko took the blood bags, her mind reeling with conflicting emotions. She cast one last glance at the doctor before ushering Izuku out of the clinic and into the waiting car.

{At The House}

Inko told her husband about Izuku's newfound quirk. But instead of celebrating his newfound abilities, Izuku was met with horror and revulsion from his own parents. and just like that, Izuku's went from being their beloved son to a monster in their eyes.

In the days and weeks that followed, Izuku's life became a living nightmare. His parents subjected him to unspeakable cruelty, depriving him of the very essence of his being—blood.

They left him out in the harsh rays of the sun and watch his skin blistered and burned. And when they did feed him, it was not the warm embrace of a mother's love, but the cold, lifeless bodies of small animals, their blood a poor substitute for what he truly craved. But the worst would be when his father would take a holy knife and carve words like "Monster" or "Devil" on his pale body.


It has been nearly 2 years now. Izuku has gone days without sustenance, his hunger gnawing at him from the inside out, driving him to the brink of madness.

The basement door opened and the light reveals Izuku's living arrangements. The poor boy was forced to sleep on a small strained mattress with no pillow or blanket. The basement was filthy and their where animal bones all over.

His parents had a small argument about who will go down in the "Devil's" den and feed him. But what did they realize was that tonight was a blood moon. His mom came down with a caged rabbit.

Inko: "Alright, Demon. Time to feed."

She released the rabbit and it hopped around the room until Izuku quickly snatches it up and tears into it. Within seconds the rabbit was hardly recognizable.

Izuku then glances at Inko with his eyes glowing.

Inko: "Why are you staring at me, Demon?"

Suddenly without warning Izuku lunged towards Inko and breaks the chains. Izuku bites into Inko's neck and drains her blood while she screamed. Izuku's father, Hisashi Midoriya, runs downstair in a hurry with the holy knife and his son standing over his lifeless wife.

Hisashi: "NO! INKO!!"

Hisashi went to stab Izuku's heart but he was faster and dodged. Izuku then used his claws to shred Hisashi's throat and drink his blood. Izuku finally snapped out his frenzy and looked upon the lifeless bodies of his parents.

Izuku: "M-mom? Dad?"

Tears began streaming down his face. He killed them. He killed his parents!
Izuku suddenly heared sirens in the distant and became terrified. He fled into the night, leaving behind the only home he had ever known.


Eversince, Izuku's been eating scraps and drinking the blood of stray animals to sustain himself. There where now more people with quirks on the streets dressed in vibrant costumes, the law allowed those with quirks to gain a license and become a hero! Izuku loved heroes but he pretty sure they would lock him up again.

That night Izuku was digging in a dumpster behind a restaurant and finds a half eaten sandwich. Izuku immediately dug in with a face of relief. Its been a full week since he's eaten.

While he ate, he suddenly heard screaming and saw a frighten woman being gagged by a scruffy looking man.

???: "Shut up! I haven't felt a woman in ages!"

Disgusted, Izuku decided to step in but oddly felt a burning sensation within him.

Izuku: "Leave her alone!"

???: "Oh? Someone trying to play 'hero'~"

The scruffy pushed the woman aside and held up his hand, which looked like a gun, and shoot Izuku only for it to not phase him in the slightest. The man began freaking out and kept firing to also have no effect.

???: "What the hell are you!?"

Izuku was about to charge but out of nowhere a hot stream of fire erupted out his mouth.

???: "AHHHHH!!!"

Izuku stood their in shock. Before a hero could show up Izuku turned tail and ran. Police offers where all over the scene as Izuku watched on the roof.

Izuku: =That was daddy's quirk.....I just used dad's quirk!"

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