Chapter 38: Promises

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Luke and Liv returned to the camp alongside Tyler and Jesse. Luckily for them, Toby and Luna were already at camp.

Tezuka: "Oh, hey. There're the others."

Luna: "Luke!"

She runs up and hugs him, Luke returns the hug.

Luke: "Sorry, me and Liv got lost."

Toby: "W-Wahh..! That's a lot of fish... My cat urges... nyahhh..! I want them all-"

Liv grabs Toby by his mouth.

Liv: "Ay! No fish for you yet! Let the T-Man cook them up for us first! I'm fucking starving!"

Toby: "I want them now..."

Tyler: "Well, you're gonna have to wait until they're cooked. Speaking of, who wants to help me cook?"

Toby: "Me!!! Mmmh... I'm drooling just thinking about them sizzling on my plateeeee~"

Tyler: "As long as you don't try and swipe any of the fish, I guess... Alright, Toby's all I need. C'mon then, dude."

Toby and Tyler walk off to the other side of camp to start cooking.

Luke: "Huh. Guess it's just us for now."

Luna: "Yep... great."

Jesse: "Huh? What's wrong with that?"

Luna: "Oh, nothing... It's just that we're gonna have a rough conversation here."

Jesse: "Rough conversation?"

Luke: "Haha... C'mon, lay off. I don't want any bickering here..."

Tezuka: "You can try and stop that elf, but your attempts at getting her to stop being aggressive towards me will be futile."

Luna: "What was that, stubby?"

Tezuka: "See? What the hell have I done this time?"

Jesse: "Please don't argue guys-"

Luna: "No! Tezuka, stop saying things to freakin' piss me off!"

Tezuka: "What?! You're the one who's saying shit like how we're gonna have a rough conversation! Jeez, lady!"

Luna: "Lady!?  Why the hell do you act like a child so much, huh?"

Tezuka: "Why do you act like you're better than me, huh?"

Luna: "Maybe because I am."

Tezuka: "And you said I act like a child. Do you even hear yourself, you dumbass elf?  Are those big ears for display only?"

Luna grits her teeth.

Luna: "And how about your ears, huh? Where the fuck are they at?"

Tezuka tilts her head.

Tezuka: "Probably underneath my messy hair."

Luke: "Wait, I don't actually think I've seen your ears before. Are you even human, Tez?"

Tezuka: "First off, don't call me Tez, second, No."

Luna: "Yeah, you're not... I saw that you had a tail when I uh... walked in on you and Tyler... It was kinda bushy. You a catgirl or something?"

Tezuka: "No."

Jesse: "Didn't you say you were a Kitsune, Tezuka?"

Luna: "Huh? Fuck off, you're not a Kitsune!"

Tezuka: "I am a Kitsune."

Luna: "No, you're not. Those things are fuckin' rare. Extinct, even! And no way a pipsqueak like you is one of them."

Tezuka: "Come on, you've seen my ears and tail with your very own eyes. They are those of a Kitsune."

Luna: "No! I refuse to remember that memory! I don't wanna go back to walking in on you two last night... Ugh."

Jesse: "Walking in on them two? Last night?  What were you and Tyler doing last night, Tezuka?"

Tezuka: "Ehehe... Nothing in particular..."

She looks embarrassed, her face goes red.

Luke: "Luna said something about you two having fun last night, I just remembered."

Tezuka shakes her head quickly in embarrassment.

Tezuka: "U-Uhh. No she didn't. You were dreaming."

Luna: "N-No, you two were definitely having sex."

Jesse: "..Sex?"

Tezuka: "Y-You don't have to tell everyone, you stupid friggin' Elf!"

Luke: "Ay, I didn't know you and Tyler were that close. You didn't tell anybody?"

Tezuka: "W-We were g-gonna tell you guys eventually..."

Jesse: "What is sex, guys?"

Luna: "But why didn't you tell us sooner, Tez? Were you afraid we were gonna make fun of you or something?"

Tezuka: "First off, don't call me Tez. Second, I just never got the chance to."

Luke: "Well, if you two were already getting frisky, how long've you been dating for?"

Tezuka: "Well, we started the day Luke got his relic, we had a conversation all night, and I proposed my feelings to him... by randomly kissing him."

She grins.

Luna: "Wow, aren't you bold?"

Tezuka: "You should've seen his face."

Jesse: "Can someone answer my question now?"

Luna: "What was his face like, huh? Red? Was he shocked?"

Tezuka: "Yeah, he was shocked."

Luke: "Hey, how come you fell in love with him, anyways?"

She looks down, and she begins fidgeting.

Tezuka: "U-uhm... Since you guys made me share a room with him, we just kinda spoke to each other a lot, and we became friends... I had a lot of nightmares, and he comforted me every time. He was so caring to me, and... I couldn't help but just look at his face, you know? That face... I couldn't resist falling in love with him."

Luna: "That's actually pretty sweet. But... nightmares?"

Tezuka: "I had a traumatic childhood, my brothers and dad were awful, and my Dad killed my Mom."

Luna seems shocked.

Luna: "Oh... Sorry to hear that, Tezuka."

Tezuka sighs.

Tezuka: "It's okay, shortly after that, I ran away and then I met my Sensei."

Jesse: "Guys..? Please can you answer me..?"

Luke: "Oho, you met your Sensei? I knew you did martial arts and stuff, but I never knew who taught you. What was his name? Did he have a badass name?"

Tezuka: "Well, I'd just call him Sensei, but if you really wanna know, his name was Kai Tsyumazeke."

Liv's face goes pale, and she suddenly speaks.

Liv: "Wait, wait... Didja just say Tsyumazeke?!"

Tezuka tilts her head.

Tezuka: "Huh, I forgot you were here, Liv. But yeah, that was his last name. I'd just call him Sensei Kai, though. He even gave me a nickname! Kit! Isn't it awesome?"

Liv: "Wait, wait... Was he related to someone called Kanadori?"

Tezuka: "Eh? Kanadori? Y'mean Kinjo? Yeah, he was."

Luke and Luna suddenly tense up from the name Kinjo. Liv looks even more pale.

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