As Jin examined it closely, he noticed the small, inconspicuous blue button that they needed which was concealed beneath the frame. Without hesitation, he pressed it and then, a section of the wall behind the principal's desk began to pivot open, revealing a hidden compartment within.

 Without hesitation, he pressed it and then, a section of the wall behind the principal's desk began to pivot open, revealing a hidden compartment within

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(Like this, guys👆)

Inside, a gleaming silver door awaited them, a portal to the secrets that lay beyond.

That door was locked with a number lock, leaving them momentarily stumped. Suddenly, Jin's memory sparked to life, recalling some numbers on the photo frame of the deceased wife.

He swiftly instructed Namjoon to retrieve the number and relay it to him. Without hesitation, Namjoon hurried to the photo frame and reported the numbers to him.


With the numbers in hand, Jin meticulously input them into the lock. To their relief, the lock yielded, granting them passage out of the room.

"It worked," Jin breathed out, his voice tinged with a mixture of relief and triumph. "Let's go." 

As they stepped into the room, their eyes widened at the sight of numerous bookshelves lining the walls, reaching up to a staggering ten shelves high. Each shelf was packed with books, folders, and various documents, hinting at the hidden knowledge contained within.

On the other side, a large TV screen displayed live feeds from CCTV cameras monitoring various rooms in the college.

On the other side, a large TV screen displayed live feeds from CCTV cameras monitoring various rooms in the college

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Jin and Namjoon then observed the shelves carefully, noting that each one had a name written on it. They began to inspect them one by one, searching for any clue related to the missing students.

However, none of the shelves seemed to contain information about them, and to their dismay, they found that each shelf was secured with heavy locks, adding another layer of mystery.

"Damn," Namjoon muttered, frustration evident in his voice as he surveyed the locked shelves. Turning to Jin, he asked, "What do we do now?"

But then they noticed several computers arranged on a desk. "Let's check the computers," Jin suggested. They swiftly turned on the computers and when they booted up, the two elders quickly scanned through the files and folders. They meticulously checked each document, hoping to find any clue related to the missing students.

A Dangerous Game Of Submission.. // Dom&Sub Universe Where stories live. Discover now