❊ Chapter twenty - Why is Gamora? ❊

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March 17th 2017


It had been four days since Scarlett had left for Scotland. I found myself missing her, but I concentrated on the shooting which was getting more intense to distract myself.

I'd come to a decision over the few days I had away. Although I would miss Jackie, I really wanted to have some stability in my life. And if that was knowing that I wouldn't be placed in a new foster care at any time, I was more than happy to take it.

So I decided to tell Scarlett before I changed my mind.

"Come onnn Scarlett pick up," I muttered under my breath as the phone rang.

"Hey, how you doing?" Scarlett's voice asked.

"Oh I'm fine thanks," I replied with a small smile. "I-I kinda came to a decision."

"Yeah?" she questioned. "You haven't rushed it?"

"No," I replied. "But I need to tell you before I completely change my mind."

"Okay, go on."

"I want you to... do it."

I heard silence for a few seconds, so I asked nervously, "Scarlett?"


I noticed that her voice sounded emotional, like she was crying.

"Are you upset?" I asked.

"No, no, of course not," she replied with a sniff. "I-I'm just... so glad you said yes."

I smiled.

"My pleasure," I chuckled.

I heard Scarlett laugh, before saying, "The pleasure's all mine Ray."

I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

"How's Scotland?"

"Oh y'know, kinda cold, rainy, typical British weather. Fluctuates constantly," Scar laughed. "How's things back in America?"

"Uhhh..." I looked around the set.

It was oddly empty without the group that were in Scotland. It was still busy - obviously - but it missed a vital part of the cast. Chris Pratt, Dave, Pom, Benedict, Tom Holland and RDJ were nearby in the shooting area, waiting to shoot a scene.

"Definitely less busy," I replied. "I miss you, honestly."

Scarlett chuckled.

"I miss you too sweetheart."

I felt a warmth inside me as she said this.

"Wait... really?"

"Of course!"

I hid my excitement by biting my lip and looking at the floor.

"What time is it over there?" I asked. "Cause it's 11am here, and isn't the UK like- hours in front?"

"It's about 4 o'clock right now," Scarlett replied. "It's weird knowing that you've not even had lunch yet."

I laughed.

"It's weird knowing you have," I commented.

We fell into silence for a moment, and I figured the conversation was probably done.

"Anyways, I'm gonna go watch a shot," I said.

"Who's doing it?"

"Robert, Tom, Dave Bautista, Chris Pratt, Pom and Benedict. It's the scene where the Guardians meet the Avengers."

"Ohhh alright. See you in a few days!"


I hung up and after putting my phone in my pocket, I walked over to the shooting area and stood near Kevin Feige.

"Hey Ray," he smiled as I approached.

"Hi," I replied with a small wave.

"If you need anything, it's gonna have to wait," he told me.

"Oh no, I just wanted to watch. I'm kinda bored to be honest."

Kevin smiled.

"Missing Scar?"

"Yeah," I nodded.

"She'll be back soon," he assured me, then turned back to the actors.

I watched as they got prepared for the scene.

"Lights, camera aaaand..."



"Everybody stay where you are, chill the F out!" Chris called.

Chris had Tom in a chokehold with his guns pointed at Tom's head. Dave was on the floor with Robert in his suit above him, one of the suit arms pointed down. Pom was tied up not far off with what would be spider webs and Benedict had his magic shield thingys (let's just imagine they are there, screw CGI).

"I'm gonna ask you this one time," Chris started, pointing his gun at Robert. "Where is Gamora?"

I saw one of the cameras change angle to face RDJ.

"Yeah, I'll do you one better, who is Gamora?" he asked.

Suddenly, Dave spoke.

"I'll do you one better, why is Gamora?" he demanded.

Benedict's face betrayed his confusion as he glanced at Dave, however everyone kept in character. Okay, lie, I saw Holland smirk slightly, but thankfully no camera was facing him at that moment.

"Tell me where the girl is or I swear to you I'm gonna french fry this little freak," Chris continued.

"Let's do it, you shoot my guy and I'll blast him!" RDJ warned, raising his voice. "Let's go!"

"Do it Quill!" Dave cried. "I can take it!"

Pom piped up from where she was, bouncing up and down slightly.

"No he can't take it!" she exclaimed.

"She's right, you can't," Benedict spoke, voice overlapping Pom's slightly.

"Oh yeah, you don't wanna tell me where she is? That's fine, I'll kill all three of you and I'll beat it out of Thanos myself!" Chris spat, pressing his gun into Tom's head with slight force. "Starting with you."

"Wait, what? Thano-" Benedict stuttered his words, then restarted, "Alright, lemme ask you this one time. What master do you serve?"

I had to stifle my snort of laughter at seeing Chris' mock confusion as he replied, "What master do I serve? What am I supposed to say, Jesus?"

Robert looked at Benedict with a look that said 'the fuck is wrong with this guy?', the asked Chris, "You're from Earth?"

"I'm not from Earth, I'm from Missouri," Chris replied.

"Yeah that's on Earth dipshit!" Robert sighed. "What are you hassling us for?"

Tom finally spoke up.

"So you're not with Thanos?"

Chris looked around disbelievingly.

"With Thanos?" he questioned. "No! I'm here to kill Thanos! He took my gir- wait who are you?"

After a short moment, Tom replied, "We're the Avengers man."

Chris let Tom go and he stepped forward.

"You're the one's Thor told us about!" Pom said.

"You know Thor?" RDJ asked.

"Yeah," Chris replied. "Tall guy, not that good looking, needed saving."

Tom looked at Chris with a slightly offended look. He was offended on Hemsworth's part probably.

"Where is he now?" Benedict asked.

"And cut!" the director yelled.

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