❊ Chapter fifteen: Dinner ❊

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February 10th 2017


I stood in front of the mirror, looking at the clothes I was wearing. Me and Zila had gone to the mall after school and she had helped me pick out an outfit for tonight. I wasn't wearing anything fancy, just some blue jeans, a black long sleeved shirt and a black leather jacket over the top. I had some Converse that I'd only ever worn once or twice to school, so I put them on too.

"Ray!" Jackie called from downstairs.

"Coming!" I replied, grabbing my phone and putting it in my pocket as I ran downstairs.


"Yeah," I replied.

We went out to the car and I got in the passenger seat and Jackie drove. We had a casual conversation about dinner, and soon enough we were at the restaurant. Jackie checked my arrangements to get home, then we parted ways - me into the restaurant and Jackie back home.

As I stepped into the restaurant, I saw how busy it was. The restaurant was partitioned into two parts, and since I couldn't see anybody from set in the main partition, I went into the second. There in the corner was a large table - the members of the Avengers set around it.

"Hey Ray!" Evans greeted as I approached.

I smiled politely and saw that there weren't many people there yet. Scarlett wasn't there yet, I noticed with a pang of anxiety. Olsen, Bettany, Evans, Mackie and Stan were already there, but were waiting for everyone else.

"Ray, you wanna sit here?" Lizzie asked, gesturing to the seat beside her.

I nodded and went to sit beside her. Next to Lizzie was Paul. Opposite him was Anthony, and beside him was Sebastian. On Anthony's other side was Chris.

"When we said half past six, we meant half past six," Chris scoffed.

"They all apply the same logic as going to a party," Sebastian replied.

"Exactly, they turn up hours after the party has started," Anthony put in.

"Shush Cinderella," Seb joked.

"How about you take that tin arm of yours and-"

"Nope, I don't think we wanna hear that," Paul interrupted.

Anthony laughed. I watched them, their hand gestures, their facial expressions. They seemed to know what they were doing, how to act around others. I didn't, but I guess it's just a learning curve. Soon enough, Robert arrived.

"On time, as always," he sassed as he approached.

Chris checked his watch.

"Mmmm... one minute late Robert... what are you gonna do?" he asked.

"Eat your doughnut, that's what," Robert replied, sitting down opposite me.

Elizabeth laughed.

"That acting Lizzie, it was just impeccable," Robert complimented.

"Really?" Elizabeth asked. "All I did was eat and then scream."

I couldn't hide my smile, remembering seeing that on YouTube.

"It was a very convincing scream," I put in.

"Never ever use that out of context," Robert warned, looking at me and Lizzie with a grin. "Any of this exchange."

Neither me nor Elizabeth could help but laugh.


Next, Scarlett arrived. She took the empty seat beside me. A minute later, Chris Hemsworth and Chris Pratt walked in, shortly followed by Ruffalo who claimed to be stuck in traffic. Last but not least, Tom Hiddleston came. As soon as all of the late-comers were seated, drinks orders were taken. I took a lemonade as I wasn't sure what else to have, whilst most of the others got something alcohol based.

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