Chapter 24: Love Concedes All

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The parade of police cars rumbles through the streets, their sirens wailing and lights flashing, creating a dazzling spectacle. The forest is bathed in an eerie glow as the torches illuminate the darkness, pathing long shadows in their search.

The sharp barks of the dogs fills the air, charging the atmosphere. They cautiously indicate the presence of a potential threat. However, instead of being directed at the intended target, they seem to echo through the surrounding area, adding to the suspense and uncertainty.

It took them certainly a life to find whom they're aiming after he, apparently, escaped from jail. But with the last glimpse of his whereabouts, destined the police here, to an abandoned forest.

"Here! This way!" One of them ordered.

Each section of the police force's departments delves into it, with their own expertise and knowledge, bound by their respective limitations. However, it didn't take long for the piercing barks of three tervurens to shatter the silence, as if they were foretelling an impending catastrophe.

The force, following their instinct's instructions, there when the detectives takes the charge over the situation. As they pressed forward, their eyes fell upon a timeworn cottage, nestled amidst the landscape.

With delicate light steps, they drew their steps inside it, their lungs almost filled with thick, yet un-breathable air. With fitting masks on their faces almost immediately, they glided without causing further harm to the fragile cabin.


Their gazes firms upon the gruesome scene, a chill ran down their spines. Two lifeless bodies lay before them, their once, for sure, vibrant forms, are now reduced to a horrifying sight. It is evident, even at first glance, that these unfortune souls had endured the cruel act of being skinned alive.

"Outline the dead bodies." Orders Mr. Derrick.

And then, they began outlining the contours of the deceased. Each stroke of the chalk felt like an act of reverence, a way to honor the lives lost in such a brutal manner. The outlines took shape, tracing the boundaries of the bodies that had suffered unimaginable torment.

It seems that the bodies ― almost vanished to dust ― were spared by the weather, leaving behind evidence for witnesses.

Tension hung heavy in the air, tensed with swirling emotions, as the piercing wails of ambulance and police sirens reverberated through the area.


As the hours passed, Charles and Sarah waited anxiously for Diana to come out from her bedroom. their anticipation grew with each echoing tick of the clock, as every passing minute felt like an eternity.

Sarah observes Charles as he stood in the entryway, admiring the midnight view with a smuldering cigarette, held between his chapped lips.

"What's your nature really?" Sarah crossed her arms, approaching him from behind.

Charles lifts his chin, puffing the smoke, dissolving into a thin air. His adam's apple bounces as he swallows, "And why are you bothering to know that." He scissors his finger, curling them around the cigarette as he takes a deep drag of it.

"I want to know the possibility, for you were merely Diana's ideal figure, who lived solely in her thoughts. And perhaps now standing next to me." Sarah looks at him and then fixated her gaze on the gibbous above.

Charles hissed, "Again, you've nothing to be concerned about." He puts his latter hand in his pocket, awaiting Diana's call, to allow him into her bedroom.

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