10. freedom

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this ch is a little rushed, sorry. i wanted to publish one soon.


The third day, the final day, the day when y/n's future would be decided had arrived, and this time, she would take matters into her own hands, today she herself would be the final obstacle to the straw hats.

She was the main reason why nobody had ever succeeded in the trials, even if they did manage to force themselves through the first two, they could never beat her, so if the strawhat crew really managed to defeat her, then... joining them perhaps wouldn't be too bad.

The queen chuckled as she tied up her long hair, the strawhats really had talent for making her cry, first Sanji, then luffy, she would have to pack extra tissues in her bag if she was going to go with them.

Right about this moment the strawhat crew was probably walking into the colosseum, they were most likely confused because jeremy had called them out instead of y/n. They were in for a surprise, y/n could feel the energy from the crowd above who already knew what was going to happen due to trials before.

y/n took a deep breath as the stone door in front of her was slowly pulled open, it was time, her fate would be decided, she stepped forward into the sun and colosseum.


What was going on?

Luffy was confused because y/n was absent, she was always the first thing he saw when he stepped into the arena so why wasn't she here?

He was still looking around when y/n's advisor jeremy, or scrunch-face as luffy liked to call him, because he always had his face shrunken into itself like he ate a lemon, came out of the balcony, but this time y/n wasn't with him.

Suddenly a gigantic door opposite the arena that Luffy hadn't noticed before began sliding open, the huge stone pushing the sand in front of it to the side. And out came y/n, donning her outfit like it was armour.

Her hands were empty aside from a small ruby gemstone that she was grasping tightly in her hand. Not even a heartbeat passed before she yelled out, "THIS IS THE FINAL TRIAL! Take the ruby from me in fifteen minutes and you will be successful! Fail, and your crew will face execution!"

Luffy didn't feel a shred of fear, he needed y/n on his crew, and he was going to do anything to get her. He knew about her powers and abilities from Zoro's report two days ago, and he had a plan.


In the heart of the ancient arena, the air was charged with anticipation as spectators looked, both eager and nervous for the clash of two extraordinary fighters, for the battle would dictate whether some would live or die. On one side stood Luffy, his muscles coiled like springs, his body pulsing with the power of rubber. On the other side stood y/n, her figure wreathed in the delicate flutter of countless butterflies, her form fluid and ever-changing.

As the signal sounded, the battle began.

Luffy launched himself forward, his rubber limbs extending with lightning speed as he aimed to snatch ruby from y/n's grasp. But y/n was swift, her butterfly form evading his grasp with graceful ease. She fluttered away, a kaleidoscope of colours trailing behind her.

Undeterred, Luffy twisted his body like a whirlwind, his arms elongating to reach for the elusive y/n. But she was a master of evasion, her form slipping through his fingers like water.

The arena trembled with the force of their clash, the crowd roaring in excitement as Luffy and y/n danced in a mesmerising display of strength and agility. Luffy's rubbery punches met the swirling vortex of Y/N's butterfly forms, each blow countered with breathtaking precision.

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