Jasper glanced at her arm holding her side, "you're sure you're fine?"

"Just broken ribs," Rosalie gave her a look, "you know not that important right?" She sarcastically says.

"It's a couple of broken ribs," Raine rolls her eyes, "I have accelerated healing."


"Raine, what happened to you?!" Esme rushes over seeing her state.

"Esme, I'm okay," she winces when trying to move forward.

"She's lying, it's obvious," Rosalie spoke for her.

"Raine?" Carlisle walks into the house in a hurry, he speeds over once he sees her, "Alice called me."

"Of course, she did," Raine sighs with a smile, finding it hard to be mad at Alice, "I'm okay, it was the nomads."

"We should postpone the ball game this week to next week or something," Rosalie crossed her arms.

"Wait," Raine looks between everyone, "what ballgame?"

"It's a family thing we do," Jasper says.

"Which you are now," Alice beams at her, "so-"

"No ballgame," Rosalie tried to suggest.

Emmett jumps down, "what are we talking about no ballgame for?"

"Where-" Raine looks above and at him, "where did you just come from?"

Carlisle holds her as he says, "I'm going to patch Raine up in the office," he told them, "come on, love."


Raine gave Esme a look who just smiles at her piping down.


"So not even my blood attracts you?" Raine asked as he stitched up a cut from the tree in her back. God, her back is scarred completely now, "because I could tell Jasper was a little struggling even with my... Wolf stench," she grins.

"It took years and years of practice," Carlisle explains himself, "but there has been a time in my long life when I would have merely thought about it."

"Just thought?" Raine asked, "you know this is a super weird conversation now I that I can hear myself..."

He chuckles, "we're not humans. This is pretty natural."

"Mhm, I guess you're correct," she looks at him, "so?"

"I don't relish the thought of hurting anyone or anything, I never have, I hated what I became when I turned," Carlisle sighs as he explains, "it was just... How I was raised. So no, I wouldn't ever feed on you."

Raine nods, "well..." She smiles, "that's a relief."

Carlisle hands her the shirt she took off as she put it back on carefully, "so do you think the ball game is a good idea?" Raine asked.

Carlisle smiles, "I do, Bella needs to learn our lifestyle, see that we're not like others of our kind. Plus you haven't seen our ballgames yet."

"Just see, Doctor Cullen?" Raine asked tilting her head, "you think I'm not joining in as well?"

Carlisle smirks as he touches her face, "sure you can keep up?"

"Oh you're going to pay for that one," Raine told him as she stood up brushing her lips against his but then she turned away.

Carlisle chuckles lightly.

Raine turns to look at him, "let the payment begin."

"I have exceptional self control, love," Carlisle smiles at her, "do you think you can wait me out longer?"

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