VI. Nomads

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AS RAINE HOWLED AT THE MOON she felt at home. Just another home feeling that she can count under her belt. Her family is her main feeling of being at home...

But what does that mean now is the question?

She has yet to figure it out.

She knew the tribe would always be family no matter what... But she can't help but feel that the Cullens were there for her in her darkest times while her family turned their backs just because she didn't follow tradition.

To hell with tradition...

That's when she perked up her head, it was a vampire, she wasn't sure where but she could smell them.

Raine growls, this is no Cullen, she thought to herself.

She ran in the direction.

A nomad possibly? The Cullens have been teaching her a lot about Vampire lore.

That's when she sees two teenagers walking through the woods talking amongst themselves... Why are they out here this late? She wonders. Both smell human... But the vampire scent wasn't gone.

Raine looks around when she spots a red-haired vampire crawling up a tree like a spider... She got into the animal defense position.

The teenagers went in the other direction and turned away from them, Raine looked back up only to see the vampire now on the ground with a swift quiet jump.

Just as the red vampire started at the kids Raine pounced on her!

But this vampire had reflexes as she backflips out of her way!

They stare off at each other as Raine growls at her...

Raine charges forward as she charges towards the wolf as well!

They fought for a good minute before Raine had the red-haired vampire devil on her back and her large claws held her down as she was ready to end this nomad's life when-

A blonde guy shoved her so hard that she hit a tree breaking a few bones in her body!

The two vampires stood up and turned to her as she shifted back to her human form.

"A werewolf," the man says with a smirk.

The redhead looked at her with a tilted head.

When someone whistled, "this is not our fight," said a man that Raine didn't see, "come on."

The three of them left in a flash... But Raine just held her ribs, "fuck... At least the pack can't make fun of me for this. But hey, I almost got you, red," she says to pretty much no one, "almost got you."


When Rosalie who was out of the house for a moment notices her.

Her eyes widened as she ran over in a flash, "are you okay?! What- Who-"

"Rose, Rose," Raine reigned her best friend in knowing full well of Rosalie's trauma, "I'm okay... Just broken ribs..."


"I ran into the vampires who have been killing people, they're in town," Raine explains.

"And they left you alive?" Rosalie asked confused as she helped her inside.

Alice ran downstairs with Jasper as she went straight to Raine, "Raine! I saw what happened! I was-"

"It's okay, I'm okay," Raine told her.

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