VII. The Ballgame

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RAINE WORE A BASEBALL UNIFORM she borrowed from Alice as she got out at the field they were playing baseball in.

Bella and Edward had yet to arrive.

Raine walks over with Rosalie and Emmett as Carlisle turns to his mate, "ready to try to keep up?" He asked with a smirk.

Raine nods, "oh, you know it," she grins back, 

That's when Edward pulled up. 

They all look over as Raine walks over to greet Bella.

Raine opened Bella's door for her as she smiles, "hey Bells."

"Raine, looking good," she hugs her.

Edward came over as he gave Raine an amused look, "have to steal my thunder?"

"Hey, I mean no threat," Raine put up her hands.

They walk over to the others as Rosalie and Emmett mess with a baseball bat, Jasper does some tricks with his bat, and Alice watches the sky waiting for the right time.

Carlisle walks over to Raine as Esme goes to Bella.

"Here," Carlisle hands her a brand new bat, "for you."

"Aw, you shouldn't have," Raine smiles, "thank you though, seriously I love it."

Carlisle thought she'd kiss him for a moment but then walked past him to poke Emmett with her new bat. He smirks, this'll be a challenge.

"Hey," Esme smiles at Bella, "glad you're here, we need an umpire."

"She thinks we cheat," Emmett comment as he admires the new bat she was showing him.

"I know you cheat."

"I don't cheat."

"No way of being sure of that," Jasper says from the back, "it's your first game."

"First ya think you can out-sing me and now is a ball game challenge?" Raine asked.

"You were never going to win either," Jasper smirks.

Raine nods, "okay, now, it's a challenge."

"You're very competitive, aren't you?" Carlisle asked.

"I mean, I won't confirm or deny that," Raine leans forward before getting ready to start.

As everyone gets in positions Alice says, "it's time," and that's when lightning strikes.

"You know what," Raine nods beside Carlisle and Jasper behind Rosalie, "I get it now."

Alice does her thing as she throws the ball in full speed to Rosalie who hits it with full strength!

Raine smiles in astonishment, "that is amazing!"

"Okay, now I see why you need the thunder," Bella says just as excited.

The ball goes far as Edward turns to look at it.

He runs after it just as Rosalie runs the ball field.

"That's gotta be a home run, right?" Bella asked.

"Come on, Rose," Raine roots for her.

But Esme shakes her head, "Edward's very fast."

Jasper does more tricks with his bat, Edward throws the ball back, and Esme catches it just as Rosalie hits the mark!

"You're out," Bella informs.

"Out! Woo!" Emmet was getting into it.

Rosalie stood up giving Emmett a look.

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