Chapter 4

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Newt and Thomas hugged each other tightly in the darkness, afraid of the darkness and their lives. They could never predict what would happen.

"Hey, Thomas," Newt mumbled, trying to search for Thomas's face in the darkness.

"Yeah?" came the reply somewhere next to Newt's face. Newt smiled, glad to hear Thomas's voice.

"What's going to happen now?" Newt asked, fixing his eyes in the direction of the maze. He slowly closed his eyes. He felt scared and had a certain anxiety inside of him. He had an inner feeling something was going to happen.

"I don't know. I just hope they're all okay in there." Was the reply from the darkness. Thomas didn't have to specify who "they" was. Newt understood and nodded his head solemnly. Newt fumbled with his hands, trying to come up with a good thing to say.

"I hope so, too." That was all Newt could say. Newt felt drowsiness overcome him, and he started to nod away when a raw scream made him jerk his head upwards. Newt's shaking hand made its way toward Thomas's arm, and once it found Thomas, clung on till the scream went away.

"D-did y-you h-hear that?" Newt stammered, shaking to the bone.

"Y-yeah," whispered Thomas, slowly starting to get up.

"Where are you going?" Newt asked in a hushed whisper.

Around them, the gladers started to come alive.

"What was that?" Newt heard Gally say. 

"I don't know, but light the fire!" Alby replied.

There was a scratching sound, and a flame burst behind Newt and Thomas. Now, all of the gladers were up, rubbing their tired-looking faces.

Newt turned around and saw Gally's furious face over the flames.

"I swear! These stupid WCKD people are messing with us!" He growled, picking up a stick and dipping it in the fire. He got up and started to walk towards the maze, holding the torch in his right hand. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and he marched on towards the door of rock.

Thomas started to pull away from Newt.

"T-tommy what-" Newt started to ask, clinging onto Thomas with his dear life. "I don't w-want you to g-get hurt."

"It'll be fine. It's just for a few seconds." Thomas comforted Newt. "Unless you want to come along as well?"

Newt hesitated for a few moments before nodding his head in assent.

"Alright," Thomas said and followed Gally with Newt right beside him.

Gally's torch allowed the boys to find Gally easily in the darkness.

"See anything?" Thomas asked, standing behind Gally, who was peering through the glass in the wall.

"No, not yet." He replied, and moved his face closer to the glass until his nose touched the hard surface.

Suddenly, a sharp high pitched noise burst from the sky all around them, blowing the stars in the sky to bits. 

Gally crouched down, covering his ears, yet still looking through the window. 

"Darn it!" Gally whispered. His whole body was shaking uncontrollably and he crashed onto the ground.

"Gally!" Newt shouted, trying to rush towards him, taking his hands off of his ears.

"No, Newt!" Thomas shouted, his hands over his ears.

Newt stopped half way between Thomas and Gally and started to double over, wincing in pain. He felt as if his head was burning and his legs were weak. He slumped in the high grass, sliding into the ground, with his ears over his head.

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