Chapter 10- What's Next?

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Ellie's POV-

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Ellie's POV-

"When did the doctor say I could go back to work?" I asked Buck. I've been on medical leave for seven days now and I was so bored. I love having extra snuggle time with Maia and having slower mornings without having to rush off to work but I'm ready to be able to go back to work. I miss George and Lucille.

"Minimum of another three days, maximum of seven more days." Buck said while playing with Max. They were currently wrestling on the living room floor. I dropped dramatically onto the couch.

"I'm so bored!" I sighed extra dramatically.

"You are such a child." Buck teased.

"You're one to talk." I giggled at him and Max. Max was growling in a playful way while Buck tried to pin him. It was an ongoing challenge. Buck always thought he could outsmart Max. But Max was trained by the best, he'll never outsmart Max.

Being at home with Buck has been a different change of pace. However, I wasn't expecting him to stay with me the entire time. He practically moved in. "You know, when you said you were going to take care of me, I didn't expect you to practically move in."

"Oh... sorry. Did I bring too much stuff? Do you want me gone?" Buck suddenly got nervous. He was so self conscious about things. It was cute.

"No. No." I stopped him mid panic. "It's nice. Just unexpected."

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah." We smiled at each other.


Buck's POV-

"Summer camp?" I swirled in my chair looking at a flyer Eddie handed to me.

"It's all he can talk about." Eddie said. "Some of the other kids from school are going. It's only two weeks. Time!"

"Whoa whoa whoa. Two weeks away from home?! Isn't Chris a little young for that? I mean what if something happens? What if he gets home sick?"

"Pretty sure I brought in the brochure so you guys could make me feel better about him going." Eddie said.

"Clearly you did not think that plan through to its logical conclusion." Chimney said.

"I started going to sleep away camp when I was eight. I loved it." Cap told us and did some ridiculous yodel. "Looked forward to it every year."

"Yeah but Christopher's a city kid." Chimney replied.

"So was I." Cap told Chimney. "Saint Paul is a city."

"If you say so." Chimney smiled and turned back to what he was cooking.

"I'm just trying to imagine the idea of selling Denny of two weeks without the internet." Hen spoke.

"He's pretty excited." Eddie continued. "I mean they even have this farm to fork program where the kids pick veggies and cook them for dinner."

"Sounds a lot like child labor." I told him. Eddie was grading a practice test for Hen who wanted to enter medical school.

"Okay." Eddie wrote the grade on the top of the paper and handed it over to Hen.

"Dammit." She spoke looking through the papers. "I gotta get above a 511."

"A 504's pretty good." Eddie told her.

"Getting into medical school at this point in my life is hard enough. I can't afford to be an average student." Hen spoke.

"There is nothing average about you." Cap said. "You just started studying this. Give yourself a break."

"Yeah come on." I told her. "You are going to rock the MCATS." We all waited for Chimney to speak up. When he didn't, we all turned to look at him.

"Hen, you're brilliant. You don't need a test to prove that." Hen's phone dinged with Athena asking if they could throw May's graduation party at her house. Apparently Bobby and Michael took a sledgehammer to the fireplace at Athena and Bobbys house.


We were currently on our way to a massive train that derailed while heading into Los Angeles. I quickly sent Ellie a text letting her know I would be later coming to her house, and reminded her to take her pain meds if she needed them.

Taking in the train that derailed we all went into action. Eddie and I were on our way to secure a car to see how we could get people out of it when a voice caught my attention.

"Please. I've got to get up there. I know it's dangerous, I've got to get up to that car."

"Abby?" I asked staring at her.


"Uh- you were- you were on the train." She needs medical help if she was on that train. "We need to get you checked out."

"No. I'm fine I need-" She tried to pull away from me.

"No that's crazy. Abby stop!"

"I need to find somebody!" She yelled at me. I took a breath.

"Okay. Just tell us who. We're going inside."

"My fiancé." She cried. That took me off guard. "He fell asleep and I went to the bar."

"Can you give us a description?" Eddie jumped in. Abby showed him a photo of her fiancé.

"He was in the car right there. All the way in the back." She pointed to the train car that was vertical. Eddie patted my back before walking away.

"We'll fine him." I told her. "uh- what's his name?"


"Got it." I told her.

"Thank you Buck." She told me.

"No. Don't worry about it." I told her. "We'll uh- we'll bring him back to you." She nodded her head. "I promise." I placed my hat on my head and walked away.


Thank you all for reading. Much appreciated.

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