Chapter 12- Fragile

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'911 what's your emergency?'

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'911 what's your emergency?'

"A man. He's been shot. He needs help!" 

"What's your location ma'am?" 

"We're at Lucille's Restaurant on Washington Ave." 

Ellie's POV-

I was about halfway through my shift at work. Things were going well. Most of the costumers were great; even got some good tips so far. I love my job, but today I was missing my baby girl a little extra. She turns 8 months tomorrow and I want to cry thinking about how fast she is growing up. 

"Hello. I'm Ellie, I'll be your server today. Can I get you started with anything to drink?" I ask my next table. 

"I want to speak to the owner." He said bluntly. 

"Excuse me?" I asked confused. 

"The owner." His tone got angry. "Now." 

"Yes sir. Give me one moment." I turned on my heel and circled to the back to get George. "George. Table 5 wants to speak with you." 

"Do you know what about?" He asked. 

"No. I asked if I could get them started with anything to drink and he demanded to speak to you." We both peered out of the kitchen to see table 5. His leg was bouncing up and down and he constantly was looking at the door, like he was waiting for something. "Do you know him?" 

"Sadly, yes." George looked upset. 

"Not good?" 

"He needed more help than we could provide." George explained. 

"Do you need backup?" I asked. 

"No. I should be good. Thank you Ellie." George made his way over to table 5. I watched from the kitchen for a few moments. George was the sweetest person on the planet, always wants to help those in situations nobody else would help them out in. They looked like they were having a calm conversation so I turned to get drinks for a different table. 

"Here are your drinks." I placed a few drinks down at a table with a family of four seated. "Are you ready to order? Or do we need a few minutes." 

"A few minutes please." The women of the table said. 

"Of course. I'll be back shortly." I smiled and turned back to head to the kitchen, glancing at George and the man at table 5. Their conversation seemed to escalate into an argument. Walking over to them I asked "Is everything okay here?" 

"Yes Ellie. We're all good." George told me. He looked frustrated and the man sitting at the table looked angry. 

"No!" The man at the table yelled. "Everything is not okay. You ruined my life and now you're going to fix it!" 

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