Chapter Seven

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"Woah, watch out there, Magnifico," Amaya chuckled, dodging Magnifico's magic.

"Sorry, just still trying to get used to this,"

It's been five years since the attack on Beldforg. During that time, Magnifico has learned many skills of sorcery and is very skilled at the art. After leaving the kingdom, the group eventually settled at an inn that was run by a little old lady named Miss Julia. Miss Julia was about the same age as Mr. Arbritis. She had long silver hair that was decorated with braids and celestial jewelry. She had a slim appearance but was decently strong in her upper body.

Amaya placed a plate full of goods on Magnifico's desk behind him. Magnifico was gazing at a book that was levitating above his hand as he stroked his fully formed goatee and mustache. He moved over to Amaya as he closed the levitating book and placed it on the desk. The room was small but decently sized for a place for Magnifico's studies. It wasn't as big as the study that Mr. Arbritis gave him back in Beldforg but what do you expect from a small inn in a little village. There were two bookshelves and a desk in the middle of the room, with a side of scuff marks on the walls of Magnifico's sorcery attempts as he got older.

Magnifico placed a hand on Amaya's cheek and kissed her on her rose red lips. He picked the plate up and started to dig into the steak that was seasoned with many spices.

"Miss Julia and I experimented with a new recipe today!," Amaya cheered as Magnifico ate.

The look on Magnifico's face showed pure enjoyment as he chewed.

"Mmm, Amaya this is incredible," Magnifico said with his mouth full.

There was a small bit of steak stuck in his mustache, making Amaya chuckle.

"Um, Magnifico you got a little…"

Amaya pointed at the food as she chuckled. Magnifico looked down and noticed the food out of the corners of his eyes. With one swift motion of his finger, the food flew out of his mustache and back onto his plate. Magnifico finished his food and placed the plate back on the desk. He took Amaya's hand and twirled her around before dipping her down.

"So what are the beautiful and handsome couple going to do today?," Magnifico smirked.

"There is a celestial shower tonight that the whole town is throwing a festival for!"

The village that they settled in was an astrology research base. Many philosophers came to this village to gather information, trade resources or study the stars since the village had many great open areas to study the night sky. The village was named Stiulla. The village's market sold star fruit every full moon and tonight was one of those nights.

Magnifico eyes lit up as he lifted Amaya back onto her feet. He twirled her around, stopping her with her back resting against his chest.

"Ya know, if we had our own kingdom, it would be celestial themed just for you, Amaya," Magnifico smirked, waving his hand causing sparkles to fall onto both of them.

"I do like astrology,"

"Then let's make it happen,"

Magnifico dipped Amaya down again. Both went in for a kiss before Mr. Arbritis bursted through the door causing a loud bang, scaring Magnifico and Amaya.


Magnifico jumped, causing him to drop Amaya and magical beams to fly out of his hands. Amaya hit the ground with a thud before Magnifico noticed her and helped her up.

"Amaya! I'm sorry,"

"It's okay,"

Magnifico wrapped his arms around her as he pulled her close to him. Mr. Arbritis was browsing Magnifico's bookshelves with excitement as Magnifico glared at him.

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