Chapter Six

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Magnifico started to open his eyes and rubbed his head as he started to raise up off the ground. He noticed the forest started to burst into flames from the fireball that landed there moments ago. Magnifico started to panic by looking around him, and noticed Amaya lying on the ground next to him.


Magnifico started to shake her shoulder to wake her. She began to wake up, seeing the fire around her, making her stand to her feet.

"The kingdom! My father!," Amaya yelped.

"Go! I need to find my mother!,"

Amaya kissed Magnifico on his lips before taking off toward the city.

"Be careful," Amaya pleaded.

"You too,"

The two took off in two directions before stopping in their tracks. They looked over their shoulders at each other.

"Make sure I see you again!," Amaya demanded.

"At all costs!," Magnifico replied.

Amaya eventually made it to the city but was in terror at the condition of the city. There were buildings on fire, people running through the streets, the castle had sections of it caved in. There was a stable nearby with a horse tied to a pole. The horse was in panic as fire from the neighboring house started to spread to the stable. Amaya rushed to the stable, dodging the collapsing debris from the burning house. While trying to calm the horse down, a big clump of burning hay fell down behind her from the stable roof, scaring the horse more. Amaya untied the horse from the poll and hopped on. She took off toward deeper in the kingdom to find her father.

The kingdom was burning to the ground with every minute that passed. Amaya saw that her father's shop was still in decent condition and breathed a sigh of relief. She hopped off the horse and patted it on the rear to get it to run away. She bursted through the front door, hoping to see her father safe and sound, but was disappointed.

"Dad!," Amaya screamed.

Amaya's dad was lying on the floor on his side. There was a sword in his hand that had evidence of blood, like he was defending himself. She slid next to his body and propped him up on her lap. He had a stab wound in his stomach that was caused by a dagger. There was a man lying on the floor that was wearing the same outfit that matched the group of men who attacked her and Magnifico. He seemed to be lying in a pool of blood.

Amaya's dad started to grunt softly as he dropped the sword he was holding. Amaya moved his head toward her while tears began to drip from her eyes.



"I am so proud of you. You have become such a strong woman, just like your mother,"

Amaya's dad placed his hand on Amaya's cheek, wiping away a tear with his thumb. Amaya's dad reached in his pocket and pulled out a ring box that contained her mother's wedding ring. He handed it to Amaya, placing it in her hand. He slid his ring off and placed it in the same hand, closing her hand around it. Amaya looked into his eyes confused and he tried to mutter a sentence.

"Take these with you. Share them with someone you have fallen in love with,"

Amaya thought of Magnifico for a bit until she snapped back to the situation. Amaya's tears began to flow more as her dad's condition worsened. His face turned pale as tears fell down his cheek.

"I love you, dad," Amaya whimpered.

"I love you too, sweetheart,"

Amaya's dad closed his eyes as he let out his last breath. His body slid down slightly off Amaya's lap as her eyes released more tears. She laid her hand on his chest and sobbed uncontrollably.

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