Chapter Two

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After a few hours, Magnifico eventually made it to the city of the kingdom. The royal palace stood tall and proud with the banner draped over the walls with the royal crest on it. The crest was a griffin behind crossed swords. The entrance to the kingdom was a gigantic archway with many royal guards standing guard as a checkpoint to check travelers going in and out. Magnifico began to approach the checkpoint as he pulled out his official citizen papers to show the royal guards. As Magnifico got to the checkpoint, one of the royal guards stepped in his path to get him to stop.
"State your business in Beldforg," the guard demanded.

This guard's uniform stood out from the rest of the soldiers. It was more uptight and made with much better metals and leathers. Magnifico knew from his father's uniform that this uniform is a captain's uniform. The silver chest plate stood out against the blue leather shirt underneath it as well as the helmet that was branded with the kingdom crest.

Magnifico showed the guard his papers stating that he was an official citizen of Beldforg. The guard took the papers from him and examined them very closely.

"You're Damion's boy?" The guard questioned.

"Yes, you know my father?"

"Of course, the best soldier I have ever met! He was actually the one to train me when I joined the force."

Magnifico's eyes widened as the guard handed back his papers.

"Has there been any word about him recently?" Magnifico asked desperately.

"I'm sorry, Magnifico but nothing recently,"

Magnifico nodded disappointedly. The guard signaled to the watch tower to lower the bridge to let Magnifico in. The clacking of the chains echoed through the forest that surrounded the kingdom walls. The bridge slammed down on the ground in front of Magnifico's horse, startling it a bit. Magnifico patted the horse's head to calm it down, signaling it to move forward. As Magnifico passed through the guard, the same guard patted on Magnifico's back.

"Hang in there, son. Stay strong for your mother. For your father." The guard encouraged.
Magnifico nodded.

The city was normally full of people doing their daily duties but ever since the war started to progress closer and closer to their kingdom, everyone has been concerned about the safety of the kingdom. The roads of the city had a decent amount of people doing their shopping for the supplies they needed. Even with the war going on, there were musicians on the streets to play their music as they walked through the city. There were groups of school kids playing with a kick ball made of leather and sand running through the busy traffic of the afternoon rush. Magnifico looked in awe at the kingdom banners flowing in the wind on the castle's towers. Suddenly, a paper airplane made out of tattered cream paper landed on Magnifico's lap. He grabbed the fragile object and looked in the direction it came from. There was an older man standing in a doorway that led to a decently large building. His silver hair shined in the sunlight as his chest length beard flowed in the wind. There were smaller braids decorating his beard. His hair was long enough to have a larger braid draped down his back, starting at the top of his head. Magnifico's face lit up at the sight of the man.

"Mr. Arbritis!" Magnifico cheered.

"Well I haven't seen you around here in a while," Mr. Arbritis smirked.

Mr. Arbritis motioned Magnifico to come over as he walked back into the building. Magnifico steered his horse towards the building while dodging school children chasing each other. Magnifico jumped off his horse while grabbing the reins to hitch them to a wooden post a few feet away from the entrance of the building. Magnifico patted his horse on the nose while giving it a carrot from the pack Lydia packed. Magnifico entered the building that had a large sign above the doorway reading "Library".

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