Chapter Four

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The clock chimed 4 o'clock exactly as soon as Magnifico arrived at Amaya's dad's blacksmith shop. Amaya was waiting for him at the entrance of the shop. She was swaying back and forth with her hands behind her. She looked nervous but excited at the same time. Magnifico sat proud on his horse as he pulled up closer before hopping off. Magnifico bowed in front of Amaya respectfully.

"M'lady," Magnifico beamed.

Magnifico held his hand out towards Amaya. Amaya took his hand as they walked towards his horse. Magnifico helped Amaya onto the back of the horse and he followed behind her. He took the reins and started the journey back home. Amaya placed her head on Magnifico's shoulder and wrapped her arms around his waist causing Magnifico's cheeks beamed red again. He leaned his head slightly onto Amaya's as they rode back to his farm.

"You look nice today," Amaya smiled.

"Th-thank you, so do you,"

Magnifico was full of so much emotion. Trying to impress this girl was a task in itself, without embarrassing himself.

After the long journey back, they eventually made it back to Magnifico's farm. Magnifico hitched his horse back in the stable. He held his arms out to assist Amaya off the horse. They walked out of the stable and the first thing that caught Amaya's eye was a nearby poppy field a few yards away from Magnifico's house. She gasped in excitement as she took off in that direction. Magnifico smiled as he followed after her. Amaya kneeled down to smell the poppies as Magnifico caught up to her.

"I'm guessing that poppies are your favorite flower?,"

Magnifico sat next to Amaya as she continued to look over the field.

"My mother and I used to visit my grandmother's poppy field all the time and we would make flower crowns with them,"

Magnifico smiled. The sound of Amaya's voice made him feel calm and happy, like there was nothing wrong in the world.

"My mother enjoyed the flower so much that my dad got this necklace made for her,"

Amaya took a necklace out from inside her shirt and showed it to Magnifico. It was in the shape of a poppy flower made out of a ruby gem. Magnifico examined the necklace with awe.

"It's beautiful," Magnifico commented.

Amaya smiled but her smile turned into a furrow.

"But since my mother passed away and we moved here, I never thought I would see a poppy field again,"

A concerned look washed over Magnifico's face as he noticed Amaya fidgeting with a stem of a picked poppy. Magnifico sighed before speaking again.

"I haven't seen my father since the war started seven years ago,"

Amaya looked at Magnifico with a concerned look. Amaya noticed Magnifico's hand resting on the ground near her leg.

"I'm sorry, Magnifico," Amaya said, grabbing Magnifico's hand.

Magnifico felt her soft hand touch his. He rubbed the top of her hand with his thumb, making both of them smile.

"It's just been me and my mom running this farm ever since then, it's been hard but we manage,"

"Yea, my dad started the blacksmith shop to help us get on our feet after moving here,"

Amaya continued to weave a poppy crown as they talked. Magnifico picked a poppy that was near his knee and looked at Amaya. Her brunette hair flowed in the small breeze of the late afternoon air. He slightly moved the poppy he picked toward her hair but then hiestated. Amaya didn't seem to notice since she was too busy weaving. Magnifico eventually worked up enough courage and he placed the poppy flower in Amaya's hair. Amaya looked up at the flower in her hair and smiled. Amaya looked at her crown she weaved and placed it on Magnifico's head. They both shared a laugh before Magnifico stood up.

"Hey, I want to show you something," Magnifico said, holding his hand out towards Amaya.

Amaya took Magnifico's hand as she stood up. Magnifico started to walk into the woods north of the poppy field. Amaya began to follow behind him as he went deeper into the woods until they came to an open area. There was a small bridge crossing over a river and a large weeping willow tree across the bridge. The moonlight beamed on the crystal clear river water, reflecting toward Magnifico and Amaya. Magnifico made his way to the bridge before stopping in his tracks, turning around towards Amaya. She was so in awe with the beauty of the area that she didn't notice Magnifico walking away. Magnifico took a moment to take in the beauty of Amaya in the soft moonlight. Her eyes gleamed and her necklace shimmered in the light. Magnifico started to melt from the sight until he caught himself, snapping back to reality.

"Ahem," Magnifico cleared his throat, getting Amaya's attention.

"Oh sorry, I'm coming,"

They slipped off their boots before sitting on the edge of the bridge, dipping their toes into the cool river water. Amaya started swaying her legs back and forth in the water.

"My dad used to take me here all the time," Magnifico stated. "It was a good fishing spot because it was sort of secluded from most folks,"

"That makes sense, not a lot of people out here,"

Magnifico and Amaya looked at each other's reflections in the water with the moon shining behind them. Amaya moved her hand closer to Magnifico's, making contact on the side of his hand. Magnifico fully committed, grabbing her hand causing her to blush harshly.

"Oh! I almost forgot! All high class citizens have been invited to a royal dance at the castle and I was wondering......," Amaya trailed off, smiling.

Magnifico held his breath as he waited for Amaya to finish.

"I was wondering if you would like to be my date to the royal dance,"

"YES!" Magnifico cheered with no hesitation.

Amaya's eyes widened at Magnifico's excitement causing her to laugh.

"Well, ok then," Amaya smiled.

Amaya leaned closer to Magnifico and leaned her head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around her as they continued to sway their feet in the cool water.

Magnifico and Amaya made their way back to Magnifico's house. Amaya, leaning her head on Magnifico's shoulder, held one of his hands with both of hers as they walked. As they got closer to his house, they noticed two guards holding lanterns and Lydia standing in the entrance of their house. The guards were wearing black leather coats with white gloves and black trousers. This outfit was worn by the guards coming to tell the family of fallen soldiers bad news. Magnifico started to get closer, furrowing his eyebrows while Amaya showed concern, still holding onto one of his hands. Lydia looked behind the guards and noticed Magnifico and Amaya. The guards moved out of the way, showing sadness on their faces. Lydia had tears running down her face and that is when Magnifico knew what was going on. Magnifico's face went pale as tears started to form in his eyes. He fell to his knees and then placed his hands on the cold grass in front of him. His tears dripped from his eyes onto the dirt. Amaya wrapped her arms around him while Lydia hugged him tightly. Magnifico buried his face into Lydia's shoulder, trying not to believe the recent news. His father died in the war.   

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