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I am VERY excited about this new idea that came to me at 3am (im sure many of you can relate)

in no way will this be uploaded a lot, i'm quite busy lol.

anyways, let's get into the teachers shall we?

These ages aren't accurate and neither are the sexualities, these are based on the CHARACTERS not the CCs.

TW: self harm, load of angst, oh yeah also swearing, transphobia, homophobia, violence, strong language, trauma.


Departments: Art, Magic, Textiles, PE, Drama, English, History, Maths, Science, Geography, RPE, PSHE, German, French, Spanish, Food Prep, Design Technology, Music, 

18 deps= 15 people = 1-12, 2-3


Name: Shelby Grace (Miss Grace/Mx Grace)

Age: 26

Gender: Demigirl

Sexuality: Bisexual and Asexual

Pronouns: She/they/he (shrub ;D)

Nicknames: Shrub, Shelbs

Department: Magic and Art

Speciality lesson: Magic Practical, Acrylic paints in art

Often found: In the library, in the PE department, in her classrooms/departments, making potions for practicals in the potion rooms.

Name: Katherine Elizabeth (Miss Elizabeth)

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Pronouns: She/her

Nicknames: Kathy

Department: PE

Specialty lesson: Rugby/ Athletics / Netball

Often found: In her classroom/department, in the art or magic department, refereeing sports, in the library.

Name: Scott Major (Mr Major)

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Pronouns: He/him

Nicknames: Scoot, Smagor, Fruity man

Department: Geography

Specialty lesson: Rock and crystal types

Often found: In his department, In the PSHE or Science department, watching the football games

Name: Jimmy Solidarity (Mr Solidarity)

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Pronouns: He/Him

Nicknames: Jim, Timmy

Department: PSHE, PE and Science

Specialty lesson: Law, Football and fish biology

Often found: In his departments, in the Geography department, cheering on students in football games, in the school gardens at the lake.

Name: Mythical J Sausage (Mr Sausage)

Age: 27

Empires SMP Teacher AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon