"What friend!" She interrogates.

"Um, you know Henry. From the next step. He comes home from tour today-,"

"Does it look like I care?" She interrupts. "Plus, why would he want you over? He probably got a girlfriend whilst he was touring actually doing something, and he won't want anything to do with you."

"Um, well," I take a deep breath, realising I have to come clean, because she'll find out somehow anyways. "I am his girlfriend."

I watch her grind her teeth, and my heart races at 100 miles an hour.

"Amy, I just want the best for you, but we know boys are a distraction..."

"But I'm 19 years old!" I protest, but she grabs my hand, digging her long acrylics into my wrist. I wince in agony but she just presses harder me.

"I don't care!" She yells. "You disobeyed me, you went behind my back, and for that young lady, you deserve a reminder to never do this again."

She lets go of me, but then the force of her fist against my nose knocks me to the ground, and I feel blood ooze out my nose. However, I decide to escape before I'm clinging onto my life.

"I hate you!" I cry, running out my door. Without my phone, any money or place to go, but all I know is I'm not going back there.

Henry's POV:

I'm currently just finishing some lunch up for Amy and I, because she's coming over today, and we haven't seen each other in ages! I've missed her bubbly personality and all our time together. 

I check the time, and it's 2:30. Amy was meant to come at 2, but who knows, maybe she's running late? I shoot her a quick text, and then just sit on the couch and scroll on TikTok. 

More time passes, and I call her, but there's no response. I start to think the worst. Did she find a better guy, is she ghosting me?

However, my worries ease when I hear the doorbell, and I open the door to see my gorgeous girlfriend. But, something doesn't seem right...

"Amy!" I exclaim, picking her up and spinning her around in my arms. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too! How was tour?"

"It was a great experience, but obviously it was hard not seeing you and my family. My mom picked me up from the airport today and brought me some hella good cookies, and I was like, 'God, I'm home.' Here, come in." I take her to the table, where I prepared two bowls of salmon and rice for us. 

"You okay by the way?" I ask her. "You don't seem like yourself." 

"I'm fine!" She replies. "I, I had a nose bleed on the way here, that's why I was late. I had to go back home, and clean up, and I left my phone there. Sorry." She giggles nervously.  

"It's alright, you don't need to apologise babe." I respond. "You okay now?"

"Yeah!" She says. "I'm perfectly fine, don't you worry Henny Penney."

I nod, giggling at my nickname. But somehow, I don't think she is.

Amy's POV:

We finished eating, and me and Henry are just sitting on the floor in his room, catching up. I've missed these pure, heartfelt moments with him. 

"So, you wanna watch a movie." He pulls in close to me and gives me tight hug, but I accidentally  wince, and his expression instantly changes.

"Ames? Did I hurt you? You alright?" He tries to touch me but I just back away.

"I'm fine! I'm fine." I say to him. "You don't need to worry, I'm doing okay and I, I,"

"Amy!" He shouts, and I look at him, my eyes watering. "What's up? I deserve to know, tell me."

"No, you can't Henry, just forget this ever happened, please!" I plead with him and I move closer to him, but in the fast movement, my oversized shirt lifts up. My thought is "I hope he didn't see."

But it's too late, I know that look in his eyes.

"Baby," he begins, holding his arms out, and I lean into them, crying as he softly strokes his fingers through my hair. Henry slowly lifts up my top, and then whispers "Who did this to you?"

"My, my, mu-," I can't get the words out, it's not something a mother should do. So I just say "Gail." 

He knows my mom, he saw a glimpse of the way she treated me when we were on a troupe together. But he never knew it was this bad. Even at that point, I thought it wasn't as bad as it was. I, I thought it was normal. 

Being in pain constantly was normal.

"I'm gonna protect you, okay?" He says to me. "That women does not deserve to see you ever again, and if she tries to, I'm not letting her. Got it?"

I let out a weak smile. He's truly the light of my life. He's my protective night in shining armour, he's my best friend who goofs off with me, he's my caring shoulder to cry on when I need it, he's my hot partner when we're just taking photos or having sex. I want to be with him, and if it means I'll need to expose the years of horrible treatment my mums given it to me, so be it.

Anything for him.

To be honest guys, I kinda hate this one shot. I just feel a bit of a pressure to post so I'm sorry if some of the stories are similar to others, but I hope to get the quality and consistency back. I WILL be writing another hamy one shot because this does not serve justice to them (like the show did anyways). They are one of my top ships (if not my top), I think they match so well, and we were absolutely robbed when Henry left so their story couldn't continue 😭

if only ty didn't come and fuck everything up

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