When Ball Is Life

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"C'lena Rodriguez"the teacher called for the third time and just as expected, no answer.

"Miss Bailey do you happen to know where your fellow trouble maker is this morning?" She diverted her attention to the brown skinned young lady before her.

"Nah but I know her moms visiting, so she probably with her" Anaya shrugged placing a piece of candy in her mouth.

Meanwhile with C'lena~

"You get me anything?" The eager teen peeked her head into one of the many bags sat in front of her.
"No and shouldn't you be at school?" She inquired placing her hands on her hips.

C'lena rolled her eyes. "yeah I'm going"
"Don't think I don't know about that parent teacher thing at your school today" she reminded her daughter.

"You actually coming?" She pouted causing her mother to nod her head smirking.
"I don't mean to be rude but I'd much rather if you didn't"

"I'm going" Nicki said sternly shutting down any hope C'lena had about her mother not coming. "I'll meet you in the car park at 5, don't be late".

At school~

"Wow so she's really coming" Anaya giggled. "yes unfortunately" C'lena huffed loudly.

"Common C'el it's not that bad, besides you were the one complaining about her not having enough time for you"
Anaya was right.

As much as C'lena complained about not spending enough time with Nicki because of her busy lifestyle, you would have expected her be happy.

"Oh if it isn't the most ratchet girl in the school and her mutt" Taylor chuckled walking past with her crew of minions following her.

"I hate her so much" C'lena mumbled clenching her fist. She was still fairly new to the school after moving here for bad behaviour at her previous 3 schools.
Her mother had warned her that she was on her last chance, so clenching her fist was the most she could do.

"Me too. like me Ratchet? I'm far from it. And what's with the mutt? Why does she call you that anyway?"

"because I'm mixed. So she calls me a mutt like a mixed dog breed."
"that shits FOUL, I can't wait to see her face this evening when your mom turns up, she's gonna regret everything she ever said to you." Anaya chuckled imaging the look on Taylor's face when she see's Nicki.

"See that's exactly why I don't want her to come. I don't want people to start treating me differently because of her."


"Oh look who's on time for once" Nicki mocked. "you can talk Miss I'll show up 2hours late to my performance" C'lena shot back and Nicki laughed.
"You're right, anyway come on let's go inside" She grabbed her arm and linked it with her own.

Here goes. C'lena took a deep breath as to doors opened.

"C'lena Rodriguez " She told the woman at the desk.
"Hello nice to meet you, you'll be seeing C'lena's Language teacher first in the room behind you" Nicki smiled and nodded.

"Mom can you hurry up" she pulled her mom into the room to avoid any students noticing her.

"Hi I'm Miss Garcia" she stood up from her desk and held her hand out yet to notice the face she was introducing herself to.
"And you must be C'lena's M-" she stopped when she finally realised who stood before her.

"You're N N Nicki Minaj" she stuttered and began fan girling she was a young teacher so it was no shock that she was familiar with Nicki's music.
"actually I'm C'lena's mother" she got the hint and quickly searched her desk for C'lena's Spanish folder.

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