Chapter Fourteen

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Rody had been mentally screaming at himself the whole way to Vince's place, but he needed to get this out of his system.

He wasn't doing this because he liked Vince, or wanted to be with him, he was just trying to get it all out of his system while he still could. He hoped that's what he was doing anyway.
It was too late to really second guess this all, since he was already in Vince's room with him, kissing him again.

He wasn't doing much besides kissing, the only other thing his was really doing was running his hands along Vince's sides.

He was a lot smaller than him, despite being the taller one. Rody loved it though, because he knew Vince was fragile, and that made it all the more fun to break him.

Vince was laying back on his bed, Rody on top of him and between his legs. This position was so close, and it was all so overwhelming for him.
He wasn't used to being touched, or kissed. It had been years since someone had kissed him, or since someone had touched him.
He nearly forgot how sensitive his body was, and it was even more sensitive considering the effects the fire had left on him.

Rody broke the kiss, looking down at Vince. He looked so pretty, flustered and under his complete control.
He felt a little guilty for using Vince like this, but it was only a little. Vince deserved to be hurt, and Rody wanted to hurt him so badly. He was in such a vulnerable state, and Rody already knew he'd let him do whatever he wanted with him.

He was going to take advantage of that, and use him till he had his fill.

Vince looked up at Rody, his breathing heavy and his face red. His eyes were half-lidded, his pupils completely dilated. He was looking at Rody the same way he had earlier.

Rody blushed slightly, his heart pounding against his chest. Every time Vince looked at him like that, he felt weird.
He didn't want to feel this way, but he also craved it.

Vince was almost like a drug, something Rody couldn't escape, something he was addicted to, something he needed.

"You keep looking at me weirdly.." Rody mumbled, bitting his bottom lip slightly. "Sorry.. can't help it.." Vince said quietly, looking away from Rody slightly.

Rody hummed, and started kissing along Vince's neck, making him jolt. "I didn't say look away.." He mumbled, running his hands under Vince's shirt.

Vince gasped quietly, his body tensing up slightly. He breath hitched, and he bit his bottom lip slightly.

He wasn't used to this. At all.

Rody noticed this, and took a quick mental note. "You're pretty sensitive, huh?" He asked softly, pulling back a little.
Vince weakly nodded, glancing at Rody. "Want me to be gentle with you then?" Rody asked, trailing his eyes over Vince's body for a moment. He didn't want to be gentle, he wanted to ruin Vince.

But something inside of him wanted to actually please Vince, make him crumble beneath him. He'd be gentle if he was told to.

Vince was quiet for a moment, thinking it over. "No.." He finally said, his voice a bit quiet. Rody purred, and moved his hands down Vince's sides to his hips.
"Good.. because I didn't really plan on it." He said, gently biting a mark into Vince's neck. This caused the younger man to gasp, his body shuddering slightly.

Rody bit down harder into his skin, leaving a deep mark that would probably bruise up. He traced his tongue over the mark, before gently sucking on it.
Vince bit down hard on his bottom lip, holding back whatever sounds that desperately wanted to escape. His skin was extremely sensitive, his whole body was. Having Rody bite him like this was really affecting him.

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