Chapter Ten

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Rody stared at Vince, his eyes wide. Vince didn't even look at him, his attention was focused on him sure, but he didn't look at him.
He only looked down at the countertops.

"Yeah! Vince isn't a stranger, you guys knew each other before. Let him take you home." Sadie said, actually agreeing with Vince.

Rody did not want Vince to take him home, he did not want to tell this man his address and where he lived.
It was the same reasoning as he did with normal cab drivers, he didn't want Vince showing up at him house and killing him in the middle of the night.

It was a stupid fear he'd gotten from watching a newspaper story he'd read when he was twelve.

"You- take me home?" Rody asked, trying not to sound upset and angry by the idea. He didn't want Sadie to know anything about why he disliked Vince, or that he disliked him in general.

Sadie seemed to like him now for whatever unknown reason, and he didn't want to ruin that for her. He obviously didn't trust it, but he trusted Sadie.

"Yes." Vince said, hesitantly glancing at Rody for a moment before he looked away again. "I.. wouldn't want you.. getting hurt." He added, crossing his arms.
Rody felt his face heat up slightly, and he wasn't sure if it was from anger or something else.

Vincent, not wanting him to get hurt? What a load of bullshit.

Sadie glanced between the two, and suddenly something clicked inside her brain. "Just go with him Rody, it'll be fine. It's better than you getting hurt on your way home." She said, walking over beside Rody.
"I don't want to give him my address though.." Rody mumbled, glancing at Vince for a moment before looking at Sadie.

"Then stay at his place or something, he lives closer to the bakery than you do." Sadie said, wrapping an arm around the side Rody's neck. She quickly tugged him down to her level, standing with him at her side.

"If you're really uncomfortable with Vince knowing your address, you can just know his instead." She said, looking at Vince for a moment.

"I... don't think that would be- wise.. Sadie." Vince said, looking back at Sadie.
Sadie let go of Rody, and rolled her eyes. "He just needs a bed or a couch to pass out on, hell- even a singular blanket on the floor would work." She said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"He's like a cat, he finds anywhere comfortable." She added, looking at Rody. "I'm not like a cat." Rody said quietly, sounding more and more tired than he had before.
He didn't want to be anywhere near Vince, but he was offering to help him home, and he definitely wouldn't be able to make it to his bed if he tried biking home.

"You are, now- Vince please take him home, or at least to your place so he can sleep this off." Sadie said, uncrossing her arms and walking around to the other side of the counter.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow, don't get killed." She said, before leaving the bakery entirely. Rody just stared at the door after she left, and then glanced at Vince.

Vince looked at Rody, his arms still crossed over his chest.

"I am not giving you my address." Rody said, now refusing to look at Vince completely. He was not letting this man know where he lived.

"Would you rather.. come home with me then?" Vince asked, and Rody could practically hear the smirk on his face.

He was definitely going to regret this.




Why was Rody in Vince's house exactly? Because he would have rather died than let him know his address, and he probably was going to die being here alone with Vince.

Why did he have to agree to this, why did he agree with anything?

He wished he could shoot himself right now, maybe drink a bottle of bleach as well. Something that could kill him.
He could always ask Vince to kill him, but would Vince even do that? He seems only willing to hurt himself for Rody, not to hurt Rody for Rody.

Rody glanced at Vince as he unlocked the door to his apartment, watching as he opened it. "In, you need sleep.." He said, managing not to stumble over his words for once.

Rody hesitated, before stepping past Vince and inside. Almost instantly being greeted by an orange cat with green eyes, rubbing up against his legs.
Vince walked in after Rody, closing the door behind him. He looked down at the cat, and smiled softly.

"Don't mind her.. she's a people cat.." He said, walking past Rody.

Rody stayed put, staring down at the cat with dilated pupils. "You.. have a cat?" He asked, hesitantly picking the purring ball of fluff up. She was so soft, and sweet, and Rody was definitely going to steal this cat from Vince.

Vince hummed, turning to face Rody. He smiled slightly, feeling his heartbeat speed up. He'd forgotten what it was like, to see Rody happy.

He really had ruined everything for him.

"Yes.. her name's Ruby." Vince said, walking over to Rody. He gently pet Ruby, trying his best to ignore how close he was to Rody, and how he didn't seem to tense up at his present.
"That.. kinda sounds like my name, and she kinda looks like me." Rody said, noticing the similarities.

Did Vince name his cat after him? Did a psychopathic killer, name his cat after the man he'd been in love with four years ago?

"Well.. that was.. kinda the point." Vince said, pulling away. He avoided looking at Rody, his face turning a deep shade of red.

Why was he admitting to this?

Rody blushed slightly, suddenly feeling very hot and dizzy. "I-i uhh.. I-i should.. really sleep or something." He said, completely grazing over the fact Vince named his cat after him.

He felt that strange feeling from earlier that day appear, making him feel fuzzy. Seriously, what was this feeling?
Was Rody getting sick or something? Maybe he needed to see a doctor.

"You should..." Vince said, looking down at the floor. "Sadie would kill me.. if you stayed up- any longer." He added, a small chuckle escaping his lips.
Rody bit his bottom lip slightly, he kinda liked Vince's laugh, and his voice. He liked it before he messed his vocal cords up though, and he sorta felt guilty about messing them up now.

What the hell was he thinking? Vince deserved it.

"Thanks.. I just hope she doesn't force me to stay here again." Rody said, setting Ruby down on the floor.

"Hopefully.. come on.. I have a spare.. bedroom." Vince said, leading Rody further into his home.

He really hoped he didn't get murdered in his sleep or anything like that.

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