Farming Experts

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Thanks so much for more than 100 views on this book, I really appreciate it. Btw the above picture is AI generated.

Alex woke up early, he felt sore from yesterdays work, his whole body ached but he still got up.

"Rise and shine everyone!" Alex shouted 
"Five more minutes," Will groaned sleepily
"Cant, today we are gonna make sure that our food situation is fixed," Alex said
"Finally. I have no food left so it's good to know that we are gonna work on a farm." Sarah sighed
"Yeah, come on Will, you're the only one who is still in bed." Dray mocked

After some time Will unwillingly got out of bed.

"Alright guys, so there will be two teams today. One team gets the seeds for the farm, the other hoes the ground for the seeds. Any questions?" Alex asked looking around
"Yeah, umm what crops are we going to farm?" Sarah questioned
"Wheat, because bread gives us more energy and strength." Alex answered
"Anymore questions?" Alex asked

No one had anymore questions so they got to work.
Alex and Sarah teamed up and their job was to get seeds for the farm, Will and Dray had to make sure to clear up the area where they were gonna farm and got the place ready.

Alex and Sarah were wandering around trying to find wheat seeds when Alex thought he saw a grey figure disappearing from the corner of his eyes. He stopped and looked at the place where he thought the figure was but he saw nothing, Alex walked slowly forwards with his sword and shield getting ready to attack if needed. Sarah stopped also and followed Alex behind him.
Alex reached the place where he saw the figure but to his surprise he saw nothing, then at once a Wolf came out from somewhere and looked at Alex curious

Alex reached the place where he saw the figure but to his surprise he saw nothing, then at once a Wolf came out from somewhere and looked at Alex curious

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"Alex what's going on?" Sarah asked
"I thought I saw a grey figure, but I must have been mistaken." Alex replied still not sure of himself
"You know what, lets just scout the area just to make sure and while doing that get some seeds." Sarah said 

They looked everywhere but they couldn't find the mysterious figure, they regrouped back and decided that maybe it was the wolf Alex might have seen.

"Alex, it might have just been the wolf that you could've seen. Just don't let it bother you, come on lets get a few more seeds and head back. Sarah said pushing aside the thought that someone unknown could be watching them.
"Yeah, your right," Alex said still not sure of what Sarah said

They got more seeds and made their way back to base.
Meanwhile Dray and Will had done a pretty neat job on the soon to be farm, they destroyed the small farm that Alex and Sarah made yesterday and made a larger and improved farm, they cleared the area out and got two iron hoes after that they hoed a large area for the seeds.
At that exact moment Alex and Sarah came back from their hunt for wheat seeds.

"Perfect timing, we just finished." Will said satisfied with the work
"Good job we got some seeds," Sarah said

Sarah, Dray and Will finished the final touches of the farm.
Meanwhile Alex was at the other side of the river, he seemed distracted.
Dray asked Sarah what was going on, and Sarah explained to him what Alex saw.
Dray understood and walked towards Alex.

"Hey, you okay?" Dray asked Alex
"Yeah, it's just that I thought I saw a grey figure when me and Sarah were getting seeds, then when I looked back it was not there." Alex said
"Maybe you were mistaken, maybe it was something else, just don't think about it that much." Dray said hopefully

Dray stood up and walked away leaving Alex lost in his thoughts.

"What if we are not the only ones in the game?"
"It's all my fault they got stuck in here with me, if they die or get hurt it's all my fault."
"What if we cant get out, will we be stuck inside Minecraft forever?" Alex thought
"No we can escape! We must!" Alex reassured himself

He got up and went to the others.
Meanwhile Sarah and Will were speeding the farm by putting bone meal.

"Alex we finished the farm now," Sarah said
"Good now our food problem is fixed," Alex replied
"Let's get some rest now for tomorrow." Alex remarked

They all went inside laughing and smiling, but they didn't see a grey figure standing behind some trees staring at the group.

Thanks so much for reading and don't forget to vote, comment and share.
(BTW I'm sorry it's a short chapter)


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